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Tip: Use Msconfig to Disable and Enable UAC

Msconfig.exe is a troubleshooting tool that can be useful for temporarily disabling UAC to determine whether UAC is causing an application compatibility problem. To make the change, msconfig.exe simply modifies the registry value. To disable UAC with Msconfig.exe, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, type msconfig, and then press Enter. The System Configuration tool opens.

2. Click the Tools tab.

3. Click Disable UAC and then click Launch.

A command window appears, and shortly thereafter, a notification bubble appears informing you that UAC is disabled. Restart your computer to apply the change.

To re-enable UAC with Msconfig.exe, follow the preceding steps, clicking Enable UAC instead of Disable UAC.

From the Microsoft Press book Windows Vista Resource Kit, Second Edition.

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