Deprecated features


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

The topics in this section describe features that have been removed from the application in this version of Microsoft Dynamics AX, or that are planned for removal in subsequent versions.

Country/region-specific deprecated features

Deprecated: Add Service Reference in the MorphX AOT

Deprecated: AIF endpoints

Deprecated: AOD files

Deprecated: Application Analysis Tool

Deprecated: Application Hierarchy Tree (AHT)

Deprecated: Approval and spending limits

Deprecated: BizTalk Adapter for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Deprecated: Blanket orders

Deprecated: Support for BOM item type BOM

Deprecated: .chm Help files

Deprecated: Client-side batch framework

Deprecated: Code Explorer Tool

Deprecated: Commerce Data Exchange: Synch Service

Deprecated: Commerce Services

Deprecated: Compare request for quote replies form

Deprecated: Configurable item check box

Deprecated: CRM document handling

Deprecated: Custom date-effective functionality for Human resources forms

Deprecated: Data Crawler

Deprecated: Default posting level attribute

Deprecated: Department hierarchy control

Deprecated: Diagnostic Framework for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Deprecated: Duplicate company feature

Deprecated: DynamicsAXGeneralLedger class members

Deprecated: Edit dimensions form

Deprecated: Employees that have a type of Work Center

Deprecated: EPBookkeeperRoleCenter

Deprecated: ExchangeRates table and form

Deprecated: Fill Utility

Deprecated: Human resources tab in Enterprise Portal

Deprecated: Item dimension group

Deprecated: Ledger budget form and table

Deprecated: LedgerPeriod form and table

Deprecated: LedgerTable form and table

Deprecated: LedgerTrans table

Deprecated: Management Statistics

Deprecated: Microsoft Business Solutions Perimeter Network Configuration Wizard

Deprecated: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 benefits setup forms

Deprecated: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 reports

Deprecated: Microsoft Dynamics AX domains

Deprecated: Microsoft Dynamics AX Quarantine management

Deprecated: Microsoft Dynamics AX Warehouse Management II

Deprecated: Multisite activation wizard

Deprecated: Oracle database support

Deprecated: Payment services using

Deprecated: Print from AOT and Editor

Deprecated: Product builder

Deprecated: Product group for procurement

Deprecated: Project Server integration

Deprecated: Purchase order subscription

Deprecated: Purchase requisition clean up

Deprecated: Purchase requisition parameters

Deprecated: Record-level security

Deprecated: Reporting Projects for modifying .moxl files

Deprecated: Reporting Tools and Microsoft Dynamics AX Enterprise Portal Tools

Deprecated: Support for RunBase framework

Deprecated: Sales shipment

Deprecated: Security keys and related APIs

Deprecated: Setup parameters

Deprecated: Shipping carrier interface

Deprecated: Split layer functionality in the AOT

Deprecated: SQL Server Report Builder integration with Microsoft Dynamics AX report models

Deprecated: Support for deleting personal information (employee and applicant)

Deprecated: TAPI integration

Deprecated:Task groups

Deprecated:Team Server

Deprecated: Telemarketing

Deprecated: Traditional financial statements

Deprecated: Transaction log

Deprecated: Unsupported platforms for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Deprecated: Visio Export for reporting relationships, locations, and organizational structure views

Deprecated: Support for Visual SourceSafe

Deprecated: X++ editor

Deprecated: X++ index hint clause

Deprecated: X++ Reporting Framework

Deprecated: X++ Workflow API