Setup process event (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Human resources > Periodic > Compensation > Process events. Select a process event and then click Setup.

Use this form to select the compensation actions and plans for a process event.

Tasks that use this form

Key tasks: Compensation plans

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.


Upper Pane




Maintain a list of compensation plans for a process event.


Maintain detailed information about a compensation plan.

Lower Pane




Maintain a list of actions or award types for the compensation plan that you selected in the upper pane.


View and update detailed information about an action or award type.





Specify if the process event should be based on a variable or a fixed compensation plan type.


Select the specific plan that the process event should be based on.

Enable pay for performance

Select this check box to base the calculations of guideline merit increases or awards on the allocation matrices included in the selected performance plan.

Use other leverage

Select this check box to apply a standard leverage for all plan participants and to override a business specific leverage.

Leverage factor

Enter a leverage factor to control the leverage applied to award calculations for all employees enrolled in the current plan.


This option is only available if you selected the Use other leverage check box.

Leverage description

Description of the general leverage.


This option is only available if you selected the Use other leverage check box.


The identification of the process event.

Award type

Select an award type for the process event.

This field is available only when you select a variable compensation plan in the upper pane.


Select an action for the process event.

This field is available only when you select a fixed compensation plan in the upper pane.

Enable recommendation

Select this option to enable recommendations to differ from the guideline for the process event.

Move steps

Enter the number of steps by which the pay is increased.


This field is available only when you select a fixed compensation plan of the Step type in the upper pane.

Use previous result

Select this option to use the result of the previous action in the grid as the basis of the calculation. The current calculated pay rate, plus the previous line’s guideline, will be the fixed pay that will be used to calculate the increase.

If this option is not selected, the employee's original base pay is used as the basis for all action calculations.

If you update information in the Recommendation form, this field is no longer used to calculate pay.

This field is available only when you select a fixed compensation plan in the upper pane.


This check box cannot be selected for the first action in the grid.

Select increase percent

Select this option and enter an increase percentage in the Increase percent field to indicate a percentage by which the fixed pay rate should be increased.

If you selected the Use previous result check box, this amount reflects the fixed pay that will be used to calculate increases.

This field is available only when you select a fixed compensation plan in the upper pane and when you select an action of the type General in the lower pane.

Select increase amount

Select this option and enter an amount in the Increase amount field to indicate an amount by which the fixed pay rate should be increased.

This field is available only when you select a fixed compensation plan in the upper pane and when you select an action of the type General in the lower pane.

See also

Variable compensation plans (form)

Fixed compensation plans (form)

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