(NLD) Import postal codes or create postal codes manually


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

You can use the Import ZIP/postal codes form to import new Dutch postal codes into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. The new code format consists of four digits followed by a space and two letters. When you import the codes, the existing zip or postal codes are replaced with the new format, and any new codes are added.

The import process allows you to update the company Global Address Book (GAB) for a specific country or region. You can also create postal codes manually.

Import ZIP/postal codes

  1. Click Organization administration > Setup > Addresses > Import ZIP/postal codes.

  2. In the Country/region field, select Netherlands.

  3. In the File name field, enter the name of the address file or select the address file to be imported. The address file is a TXT file that contains fixed length fields.

  4. Select the Delete check box to replace the existing zip or postal codes. If the selected address file is an update to an existing file, the existing zip or postal codes (NNNNAA) are updated with the new zip or postal codes in the new format (NNNN AA). This update is performed whether the Delete check box is selected or not. If the selected address file is new, one of the following actions take place:

    1. If the Delete check box is selected, all existing Dutch zip or postal codes are deleted and the new codes are added.

    2. If the Delete check box is cleared, the existing zip or postal codes are retained and the new zip or postal codes are added, even if the codes are duplicated.

  5. Click OK to import the codes.

Create ZIP/postal codes manually

  1. Click Organization administration > Setup > Addresses > Address setup.

  2. On the left pane, select ZIP/postal codes.

  3. In the Country/region field, select a country or region. All existing addresses for the country/region are shown.

  4. Click New to add a new code manually.

  5. In the ZIP/postal code field, enter the new postal code (four digits, followed by a space and two letters) in the format NNNN AA.

  6. Enter the address information in the State, County, City, District, and Street fields.

  7. In the From and To fields, enter the lowest and highest street numbers that are within the postal code, if applicable.

  8. In the All/Even/Odd field, specify whether the new postal code applies to all, even, or odd street numbers.

  9. In the Time zone field, select the time zone for the country or region.

  10. Close the form to save your changes.

See also

Import ZIP/postal codes (form)