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TaxSettlement_IN::canPostServicetax Method [AX 2012]

Method tells if service tax can be posted during settlemnt by considering various scenarios.

Conditions under which BOE or Promissory Note; can OR can't post service Tax Case1. Tax is attached to payment.

SubCase POTBasis If payment > invoice, then calculate service TAX on difference amount. Otherwise NO tax, as POT always hits actual A/Cs.

SubCase CashBasis Here always post tax. Why? To reverse the intermediate invoice time tax voucher.

Case2. Tax is not attached to payment.

SubCase POTBasis NO tax, as POT already hit actual A/Cs during invoice. No scope of any reversal.

SubCase CashBasis Here always post tax. Why? To reverse the intermediate invoice time tax voucher.

For cash basis irrespective of payment time tax, always post the tax to reverse the invoice time tax.


server public static boolean canPostServicetax(CustVendTrans _custVendTransCredit, CustVendTrans _custVendTrans)

Run On



  • _custVendTransCredit
    Type: CustVendTrans Map
    The CustVendTrans payment buffer passed in.

Return Value

Type: boolean
Method tells if service tax can be posted during settlemnt by considering various scenarios.

See Also


TaxSettlement_IN Class