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SrsReportRunExtendedController_CN.preRunValidate Method [AX 2012]

Provides the opportunity for validation prior to running the report.


protected container preRunValidate()

Run On


Return Value

Type: container
A container containing two items. The first item is the SrsReportPreRunStateenumeration. The second item is the message to show to the user.


Override this method to perform validation before running a report. A common use of this method is to validate whether the time taken to run the report is acceptable.

The following are common scenarios for which to use this method:

  • Return a warning if the number of records processed is large enough to affect the user experience if the report is printed to the screen.

  • Return an error if the number of records processed is large enough that the report could timeout.

The default behavior is to run the report.

See Also


SrsReportRunExtendedController_CN Class