Malware protection performance counters

Applies To: Forefront Threat Management Gateway (TMG)

The following table lists the performance counters for malware protection.

Performance counter Description

Malware Protection - Items Handled     

The number of items currently being handled by the Malware Protection Web filter.

Malware Protection - Total Items Handled

The total number of items handled by the Malware Protection Web filter since the service was last started.

Malware Inspection - Total Items Handled in last day

The total number of items handled by the Malware Inspection Filter in last day.

Malware Protection - Average Accumulation Duration (msec) 

The average amount of time to accumulate each item, in milliseconds.

Malware Protection -   Average Inspection Duration (msec) 

The average amount of time used to inspect each item, in milliseconds.

Malware Protection - Items Trickled (Standard Trickling)

The number of items currently being trickled to clients using standard trickling.

Malware Protection - Items Trickled (Fast Trickling)

The number of items currently being trickled to clients using fast trickling.

Malware Protection -   Total Items Trickled (Standard Trickling)

The total number of items that were trickled to clients using standard trickling since the service was started.

Malware Protection -   Total Items Trickled (Fast Trickling)

The total number of items that were trickled to clients using fast trickling since the service was started.

Malware Inspection -  Average Trickled Size (Standard Trickling, Bytes)

The average size, in bytes, of content trickled using standard trickling per trickled item.

Malware Inspection -  Average Trickled Size (Fast Trickling, Bytes)

The average size, in bytes, of content trickled using fast trickling per trickled item.

Malware Protection - Items in Progress Page

The number of items for which progress pages are currently being used.

Malware Protection - Total Items in Progress Page

The total number of items for which progress pages were used since the service was started.

Malware Protection -   Average Progress Page Status Requests

The average number of status requests per item for which progress pages were used.

Malware Inspection - Streaming Items

The total number of items exempted from inspection because they were identified as streaming content.

Malware Inspection - Total Excluded Item

The total number of items exempted from inspection because they were in the exempted destinations list.

Malware Inspection - Disk Accumulation (%)

Current percentage of items using disk accumulation out of the total number of items currently being handled.

Malware Inspection - Allocated Disk Space (Bytes)

The disk space, in bytes, allocated by the Malware Inspection Filter for accumulation and inspection.

Malware Inspection - Disk Errors

The total number of disk errors encountered by the Malware Inspection Filter.

Malware Inspection - Total Partial Inspections (Standard Trickling)

The total number of partial inspections (inspection of partial content before it is trickled) for standard trickling.

Malware Inspection - Total Partial Inspections (Fast Trickling)

The total number of partial inspections (inspection of partial content before it is trickled) for fast trickling.

Malware Inspection - Partial Inspections per Item (Standard Trickling)

The average number of partial inspections (inspection of partial content before it is trickled) for standard trickling per trickled item.

Malware Inspection - Partial Inspections per Item (Fast Trickling )

The average number of partial inspections (inspection of partial content before it is trickled) for fast trickling per trickled item.

Malware Inspection - Inspections Failed

The total number of items that were blocked due to an inspection failure.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Size Exceeded)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file size exceeded the configured limit.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Unpacked Size Exceeded)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file size after unpacking exceeded the configured limit.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Nesting Levels Exceeded)

The total number of items that were blocked because the nesting level limit was exceeded.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Corrupted)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file was corrupted.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Encrypted)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file was encrypted.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Infected)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file was infected.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Infected) in the last 24 hours

The total number of items that were blocked in the last 24 hours because the file was infected.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Policy) in the last 24 hours

The total number of items that were blocked in the last 24 hours because of policy restrictions (exceeded size, exceeded nesting level, corrupt file, etc.)

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Suspicious)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file was suspicious.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Unknown Encoding)

The total number of items that were blocked because the file encoding was unknown.

Malware Inspection - Items Blocked (Timeout)

The total number of items that were blocked because the inspection timed out.

Malware Inspection - Items Cleaned

The total number of items that were found infected and were successfully cleaned.

Malware Inspection - Ping Timeouts

The total number of ping timeouts during progress page processing.

Malware Inspection - Download Timeouts

The total number of download timeouts during progress page processing.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Usage (%)

Current percentage of extended quota used out of the total extended quota pool.

Malware Inspection - Average Extended Quota Usage Time

The average amount of time, in milliseconds, of extended quota usage, since the service started.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Exceeded

The total number of times the extended quota was exceeded.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Unavailable

The total number of times the extended quota was required, but not available.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Exceeded Delta

The number of times the extended quota was exceeded in the last period.

Malware Inspection - Extended Quota Unavailable Delta

The number of times the extended quota was required, but not available, in the last period.

Malware Inspection - Queue Length (High Priority)

The number of items waiting in the high-priority malware inspection queue.

Malware Inspection - Queue Length (Medium Priority)

The number of items waiting in the medium-priority malware inspection queue.

Malware Inspection - Queue Length (Low Priority)

The number of items waiting in the low-priority malware inspection queue.

Malware Inspection - Average Time in Queue (High Priority)

The average time, in milliseconds, that an item processed with high priority waits in the malware inspection queue.

Malware Inspection - Average Time in Queue (Medium Priority)

The average time, in milliseconds, that an item processed with medium priority waits in the malware inspection queue.

Malware Inspection - Average Time in Queue (Low Priority)

The average time, in milliseconds, that an item processed with low priority waits in the malware inspection queue.

Malware Inspection - Queue Suspension Count (Medium Priority)

The number of times that retrieving items from the medium-priority malware inspection queue was suspended and resumed.

Malware Inspection - Queue Suspension Count (Low Priority)

The number of times that retrieving items from the low-priority malware inspection queue was suspended and resumed.