Cmdlet Reference for Multi-Tenancy
Gilt für: Exchange Server 2010 SP2
Letztes Änderungsdatum des Themas: 2015-03-09
If you use the /hosting switch to install Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1), additional cmdlets and parameters are made available for multi-tenant deployments that aren't available in on-premises Exchange deployments.
This topic lists the cmdlets and associated parameters available in multi-tenant deployments. The cmdlets are organized by the following management areas. Expand the header to view the related cmdlets.
To return a list of available cmdlets, you can run the Get-Command or Get-ExCommand cmdlet. The Get-Command cmdlet returns a list of all cmdlets available in the Exchange Management Shell. The Get-ExCommand cmdlet returns a list of all cmdlets available to the user who is logged on.
Use these cmdlets to configure and manage tenant organizations.
Cmdlet | Description | Multi-tenant parameters |
View the settings on an offline address book (OAB). |
Organization |
Create an OAB. |
Organization |
View information about your tenant organization. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Create a tenant organization. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Remove-Organization |
Remove a tenant organization. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
View configuration data for your entire Exchange organization. |
Identity |
Configure various settings for your entire Exchange organization. |
Identity |
View the settings of an organization relationship. |
Organization |
Create a relationship with an external Exchange 2010 organization for the purpose of sharing free/busy information. |
Organization |
Upgrade your tenant organization after you've upgraded the hosting organization to a new version of Exchange 2010, such as upgrading from the beta version to the release to manufacturing (RTM) version. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Complete the upgrade of a tenant organization after you've upgraded the multi-tenant organization to a new version of Exchange 2010, such as upgrading from the beta version to the RTM version. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Update tenant organizations from one service plan to another service plan, or update a tenant organization when you modify service plan features. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Create a sharing policy to regulate how users inside your organization can share calendar and contact information with users outside your organization. |
Organization |
Use these cmdlets to view, create, configure, and delete recipient objects.
Cmdlet | Description | Multi-tenant parameters |
View all attributes of an address list. |
Organization |
Disable Active Directory virtual list view for address lists. Virtual list view displays address lists in your organization as pages instead of loading and viewing the entire directory. |
Identity |
Enable Active Directory virtual list view for address lists. Virtual list view displays address lists in your organization as pages instead of loading and viewing the entire directory. |
DoNotUpdateRecipients ForceUpdateOfRecipients Identity |
View information about specified contacts or retrieve a list of the contacts stored in your shared address book. |
Organization |
View information about specified distribution groups or retrieve a list of the distribution groups stored in your shared address book. Distribution groups are sometimes referred to as public groups. |
Organization |
Create a distribution group. |
Organization OverrideRecipientQuotas |
View the settings for an existing dynamic distribution group. |
Organization |
Create a dynamic distribution group whose members are programmatically calculated. |
Organization OverrideRecipientQuotas |
View the settings of a global address list (GAL). |
Organization |
Create a GAL for a tenant organization. |
Organization |
View all distribution groups configured for your organization. Hinweis Although you can view the security groups configured for you in the datacenter, you can't create additional security groups. |
Organization |
Create an Inbox rule for a mailbox. Inbox rules process messages in the Inbox based on conditions you specify. Inbox rules perform tasks such as moving a message to a specific folder or deleting a message. |
Organization |
Enable an existing Active Directory user or InetOrgPerson object. |
MailboxPlan Zum Verwenden oder Ändern des Parameters MailboxPlan muss Mandantenadministratoren über die zugehörigen Diensteeinstellungen die Funktion ChangeMailboxPlanAssignmentPermissions zugewiesen sein. |
View information about users who have a cloud-based mailbox in your organization and receive e-mail in a cloud-based mailbox. |
Organization MailboxPlan Zum Verwenden oder Ändern des Parameters MailboxPlan muss Mandantenadministratoren über die zugehörigen Diensteeinstellungen die Funktion ChangeMailboxPlanAssignmentPermissions zugewiesen sein. |
Create a user in your organization who has a cloud-based mailbox. |
MailboxPlan Organization OverrideRecipientQuotas QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled Zum Verwenden oder Ändern des Parameters MailboxPlan muss Mandantenadministratoren über die zugehörigen Diensteeinstellungen die Funktion ChangeMailboxPlanAssignmentPermissions zugewiesen sein. |
View status of an ongoing export request that was initiated using the New-MailboxExportRequest cmdlet. |
Organization |
View status of an ongoing import request that was initiated using the New-MailboxImportRequest cmdlet. |
Organization |
View status of an ongoing restore request that was initiated using the New-MailboxRestoreRequest cmdlet. |
Organization |
View information about recipients in your organization. Results returned include mailboxes, mail users, contacts, distribution groups, and dynamic distribution groups. |
Organization |
View deleted mailboxes that can be recovered. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Change the settings of an existing mailbox. |
MailboxPlan Password QueryBaseDNRestrictionEnabled Zum Verwenden oder Ändern des Parameters MailboxPlan muss Mandantenadministratoren über die zugehörigen Diensteeinstellungen die Funktion ChangeMailboxPlanAssignmentPermissions zugewiesen sein. |
View information about the mailbox plans available to your organization and their settings. A mailbox plan is a user provisioning template. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Change the display name of a mailbox plan or set an alternative mailbox plan as the default. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
View mailbox searches in progress, complete, or stopped. |
Organization |
View information about one or more external contacts. |
Organization |
Create a shared address book listing for an external contact. |
OverrideRecipientQuotas Organization |
View information about a mail user. A mail user is a user in your organization who receives mail at an external e-mail address. |
Organization |
Create a user in your organization and specify an external e-mail address. |
Organization OverrideRecipientQuotas |
View status of an ongoing move request that was initiated using the New-MoveRequest cmdlet. |
Organization |
View information about a user in your organization. |
Organization |
Use these cmdlets to view, assign, and remove the permissions delegated to users in your organization.
Cmdlet | Description | Multi-tenant parameters |
View the management roles available in your organization. |
Organization |
Create a management role based on an existing role. |
Organization |
View the management roles currently assigned to a specific user. |
Organization |
Assign a new management role to a user. |
Organization |
View the management scopes defined for your organization. A management scope determines which objects are available to a user. For example, the management scope for a typical user is limited to his or her account. The management scope for an organization administrator is all objects in the domain. |
Organization |
Define a new management scope. |
Organization |
Remove a management scope. You can only remove management scopes you defined. |
Force |
Change the definition for an existing management scope. |
Force |
Grant the Send As permission to users. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
View information about the Send As permission configured for users. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Remove the Send As permission from users. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
View information about specified role assignment policies or retrieve a list of the role assignment policies in your organization. A role assignment policy is a collection of one or more end-user management roles that enable users to manage the settings of their accounts and distribution groups. |
Organization |
Create a role assignment policy. |
Organization |
View information about specified role groups or retrieve a list of the role groups in your organization. A role group is a universal security group that has administrative rights assigned to it. |
Organization |
Create a role group. |
Force Organization |
Get-SecurityPrincipals |
View a list of security principals. Security principals are entities, such as users or security groups, that can be assigned permissions and user rights. |
Organization |
Use these cmdlets to view and establish policies that determine how mail sent to or from your domain is processed and to control how users connect to their mailboxes.
Cmdlet | Description | Multi-tenant parameters |
View the settings of an e-mail address policy. |
Organization |
View information about specified message classifications or retrieve a list of the message classifications in your organization. After you create message classifications, Microsoft Office Outlook Web App users can apply them to messages, or you can apply them to messages using transport rules. You can also use classifications as conditions or exceptions in transport rules. |
Organization |
Create a message classification. |
Organization |
View the policies (including the associated settings) that can be applied to mailboxes that connect using Outlook Web App. |
Organization |
Create a policy to enforce the settings of Outlook Web App connections. |
Organization |
View information about provisioning policies. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Used by the New-Organization cmdlet to create an enforcement policy that limits the number of distribution groups, dynamic distribution groups, mailboxes, mail-enabled users, and mail contacts that a tenant organization can create. This cmdlet reads the information in the organization's service plan to set the limits. Hinweis This cmdlet is used only by Exchange. Although it's available for administrators to bypass the New-Organization cmdlet, we recommend that you don't run this cmdlet. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Remove the limits placed on an organization with regard to the number of distribution groups, dynamic distribution groups, mailboxes, mail-enabled users, and mail contacts that a tenant organization can create. If you run this cmdlet, organizations using this policy will be able to create an unlimited number of distribution groups, dynamic distribution groups, mailboxes, mail-enabled users, and mail contacts. Hinweis This cmdlet is used only by Exchange. Although it's available for administrators, we recommend that you don't run this cmdlet. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Change the maximum number of objects that can be created in a tenant organization. You can limit the number of distribution groups, dynamic distribution groups, mailboxes, mail-enabled users, and mail contacts. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Create a non-default throttling policy to manage the performance of your organization. |
Organization |
View information about the limits for concurrent connections per protocol for your organization. |
Organization |
View information about specified transport rules or retrieve a list of transport rules in your organization. |
Organization |
Export a transport rule collection used by the Transport Rules agent on an Exchange 2010 Hub Transport or Edge Transport server. |
Organization |
Import a previously exported transport rule collection for use by the Transport Rules agent on an Exchange 2010 Hub Transport or Edge Transport server. |
Organization |
Use these cmdlets to view and configure settings that affect everyone in your domain.
Cmdlet | Description | Multi-tenant parameters |
View the configuration information for all accepted domains or for a specific accepted domain. |
Organization |
Create an accepted domain for a tenant organization. |
Organization |
View the configuration information for all remote domains or for a specific remote domain. |
Organization |
Create a remote domain for a tenant organization. |
Organization |
Configure various settings in your organization. |
Identity |
View transport rules configured on a Hub Transport server. |
Organization |
Create transport rules that the Transport Rules agent uses when it processes e-mail messages that pass through the Hub Transport server. |
Organization |
Use these cmdlets to help your organization comply with legal or business requirements.
The cmdlets used for mailbox searches are defined in the Mailbox Search role only and should be assigned to discovery managers. To use the mailbox search cmdlets, you must be a member of the Discovery Management role group. For more information, see Grundlegendes zur Suche in mehreren Postfächern.
Cmdlet | Description | Multi-tenant parameters |
Disable a journal rule. Journal rules are used to journal the e-mail messages sent to or from specific recipients. When a message matches the criteria defined by the journal rule, that message is journaled. |
LawfulInterception |
Enable a journal rule. |
LawfulInterception |
View information about specified journal rules or retrieve a list of the journal rules in your organization. |
LawfulInterception Organization |
Create a journal rule. |
ExpiryDate FullReport LawfulInterception Organization |
Delete a journal rule. |
LawfulInterception |
Change the properties of a journal rule. |
ExpiryDate FullReport LawfulInterception |
Export journal rules to an .xml file from an Exchange 2010 organization, or export legacy journal rules from Exchange Server 2007 and import them to Exchange 2010 using the Import-JournalRuleCollection cmdlet. |
Organization |
Import a previously exported journal rule collection for use by the Journaling agent. |
Organization |
View user or computer accounts configured to bypass mailbox audit logging. |
Organization |
View information about specified retention policies or retrieve a list of the retention policies in your organization. A retention policy is associated with a group of retention policy tags that specify retention settings for items in a mailbox. To learn more, see Grundlegendes zu Aufbewahrungstags und Aufbewahrungsrichtlinien. |
Organization |
Create a retention policy. |
Organization |
View information about specified retention policy tags or retrieve a list of the retention policy tags in your organization. Retention policy tags are used to apply message retention settings to messages or folders. |
Organization |
Create a retention policy tag. |
Organization |
Use these cmdlets to configure and control how users access the cloud-based e-mail service.
Cmdlet | Description | Multi-tenant parameters |
View the protocols enabled for client connections for one or more mailboxes in your organization. |
Organization |
View the default client access settings applied to new mailboxes in your organization. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
View the global settings from the AutodiscoverConfig object under the GlobalSettings object in Active Directory. |
Organization |
Create the AutoDiscoverConfig object, and then populate the object with relevant settings. |
Organization |
Create a Windows PowerShell virtual directory in Internet Information Services (IIS). |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Change an existing Windows PowerShell virtual directory in IIS. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Remove an existing Windows PowerShell virtual directory from IIS. |
Dieses Cmdlet ist nur für mehrinstanzenfähige Bereitstellungen verfügbar. Für lokale Bereitstellungen ist er nicht verfügbar. Die meisten Parameter des Cmdlets sind für Mehrinstanzenfähigkeit verfügbar. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Cmdlet-Referenzthema. |
Use these cmdlets to view and configure the Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync settings in your organization.
Cmdlet | Description | Multi-tenant parameters |
View a list of mobile devices using Exchange ActiveSync to connect to mailboxes in your organization. |
Organization |
View the Exchange ActiveSync device access rules you created using the New-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRule cmdlet. |
Organization |
Create Exchange ActiveSync device access rules so that users can synchronize their mailboxes with specific mobile device families or models. |
Organization |
View the list of Exchange ActiveSync devices connected to mailboxes in your organization. |
Organization |
View the policies that can be applied to Exchange ActiveSync devices connected to mailboxes in your organization and the settings configured for those policies. |
Organization |
Create an Exchange ActiveSync mailbox policy. |
Organization |
Configure the settings of an existing policy applied to mailboxes in your organization to enforce the settings of connected Exchange ActiveSync devices. |
MobileOTAUpdateMode |
View the Exchange ActiveSync settings for your organization. |
Organization |
Use these cmdlets to view configuration settings and statistics for your domain.
Cmdlet | Description | Multi-tenant parameters |
Search contents of the administrator audit logs to discover who made changes to the organization, server, and recipient configuration. |
Identity |
Write a comment to the administrator audit log. |
Identity |
View the administrator audit log configuration settings. |
Identity |
Configure the administrator audit logging settings to discover who made changes to the organization, server, and recipient configuration. |
Identity |
Search the contents of the administrator audit log and send the results to the recipients you specify. |
Organization |
Search the contents of the mailbox audit log. |
Organization |
Search the contents of the mailbox audit log and send the results to the recipients you specify. |
Organization |
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