Granting Access to the Commerce Server Databases

This section provides instructions for configuring the database roles on the computers that are running SQL Server.

Dd328205.alert_caution(en-us,CS.95).gifImportant Note:

The database SQL login accounts that you create must match the account names that you created for the Web application and Commerce Server 2009 R2 services. For the list of services and default names, see What Are the Required Accounts and Groups?  

Follow these steps to assign Commerce Server 2009 R2 service accounts access to the appropriate Commerce Server 2009 R2 databases. All tasks are to be performed on computers that are running SQL Server.

  1. On the production database server:

    1. Create SQL login accounts for the identities required in your deployment. For a list of the database accounts required based on your deployment topology, see What Are the Required Accounts and Groups?

    2. For each account that you created in Step 1a, associate the database accounts together with the database roles. For the required mappings, see What Are the Required Database Accounts and Database Role Mappings? For the DTSImport account, assign the database roles provided for the Commerce Server 2009 R2 production database server.

  2. On the Staging database server (if applicable), do the following:

    1. Create SQL login accounts for the following:

      <internal domain name>\CatalogWebSvc

      <internal domain name>\MarketingWebSvc

      <internal domain name>\OrdersWebSvc

      <internal domain name>\ProfilesWebSvc

    2. For each account that you created in Step 2a, associate the database accounts together with the database roles. For the required mappings, see What Are the Required Database Accounts and Database Role Mappings?

  3. On the Data Warehouse and Analytics database server, do the following:

    1. Create one SQL login account for the following:

      <internal domain name>\DTSImport

    2. For the DTSImport account that you created in Step 3a, associate the database accounts together with the database roles that were defined for the Data Warehouse and analysis server. For the required mappings, see What Are the Required Database Accounts and Database Role Mappings?

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