

Use this method to create a RowCollection object that allows access to each item in the ContentListFactory object that matches the specified criterion.


HRESULT IContentListFactory::Search(VARIANTvCol,VARIANTvSearchCriteria,IRowCollection**ppIRowCollection);



[in] A VARIANT that identifies the column to search. The column is identified by either a number representing a column position (starting at 0) or a string containing a column name.


[in] A VARIANT that contains the filter criterion. The criterion is usually a BSTR, an array of BSTRs, or an Integer. An attempt will be made to coerce other types to the type of the column being searched.


[out,retval] A pointer to an address to receive an IRowCollection interface pointer for a new RowCollection object that allows access to the rows that match the search criteria.

Return Values

This method returns an HRESULT indicating whether or not it completed successfully. See the Error Values section for more details.

Error Values

This method returns S_OK (0x00000000) to indicate success and standard COM HRESULT error values to indicate failure. For more information about standard COM errors, see Standard COM Errors. Additional information may be available using the global Err object, which can be accessed using the API function GetErrorInfo. In particular, the GetDescription method of the IErrorInfo interface may return a text description of the error.


No rows in the ContentListFactory object matched the filter criteria. As a result, the returned RowCollection is empty.


Columns must be shared (not private) and read-only in order to be indexed and searched. Columns must also be of type string, integer (long or short), or variant array to be searchable. The search criteria may be any variant type that can be coerced to the type of the column being searched.

When the search criteria is an array of variants, the set of rows returned contains all rows that match any of the search criteria array elements. It is a union of the matches.

This method is functionally identical to the one of the same name to be found in the ContentList object.

See Also

ContentListFactory Object

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