

Use this method to retrieve a Dictionary object that contains the site configuration information.


HRESULT IAppCfg::GetOptionsDictionary(BSTRbstrUserID,IDictionary**ppdispOptionsDictionary);



[in] A BSTR that contains an empty string ("").


[out, retval] The address of a pointer used to return an IDictionary interface pointer. The associated Dictionary object contains the site configuration information. See the Remarks section for a list of some dictionary keys.

Return Values

This method returns an HRESULT indicating whether it completed successfully. See the Error Values section for more details.

Error Values

This method returns S_OK (0x00000000) to indicate success and standard COM HRESULT error values to indicate failure. For more information about standard COM errors, see Standard COM Errors. Additional information may be available using the global Err object, which can be accessed using the API function GetErrorInfo. In particular, the GetDescription method of the IErrorInfo interface may return a text description of the error.


The ppdispOptionsDictionary parameter contains valid data only if the method returns successfully.

For more information about memory ownership issues related to COM property and method parameters, see Managing COM Parameter Memory.

Some options dictionary keys, such as i_AuctionOptions, are reserved for future use. The following table lists the names of the keys in the Dictionary object returned by this method that are mapped in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

Programmatic Name MMC Default Config Mapping
i_AddItemRedirectOptions Add item redirect options
i_AddressBookOptions Address Book Options
f_AltCurrencyConversionRate Currency: Alternate currency conversion Rate
i_AltCurrencyLocale Currency: Alternate currency locale
i_AltCurrencyOptions Currency: Alternate currency options
i_BaseCurrencyLocale Currency: Base currency locale
i_BillingOptions Payment options: Billing options
i_BizTalkOptions BizTalk Options
i_CookiePathCorrectionOptions Cookie Path Correction Options
i_CurrencyDisplayOrderOptions Currency: Currency display order options
i_DelegatedAdminOptions Delegated admin options
i_FormLoginOptions Form login options
i_FormLoginTimeOut AuthManager Auth ticket Timeout
i_HostNameCorrectionOptions Host Name Correction Options
i_PaymentOptions Payment options
i_SitePrivacyOptions Site privacy options
i_SiteRegistrationOptions Site registration options
i_SiteTicketOptions Site ticket options
s_AltCurrencySymbol Currency: Alternate currency symbol
s_BaseCurrencySymbol Currency: Base currency symbol
s_BizTalkCatalogDocType BizTalk Catalog Doc Type
s_BizTalkConnString BizTalk connection String
s_BizTalkOrderDocType BizTalk PO Doc Type
s_BizTalkSourceQualifierID BizTalk Source Org Qualifier
s_BizTalkSourceQualifierValue BizTalk Org Qualifier Value
s_BizTalkSubmittypeQueue BizTalk Submit type
s_PageEncodingCharset Page encoding charset
s_SMTPServerName SMTP server name
s_WeightMeasure Unit of Measure for Weight

The following table lists keys in the Dictionary object returned by this method that are not mapped in the MMC.

Programmatic Name Value or Description
i_IsFullTextSearchInstalled Indicates whether SQL Server has full text search enabled
s_BizDataStoreConnectionString Profile Service: s_BizDataStoreConnectionString
s_CampaignsConnectionString Campaigns: connstr_db_Campaigns
s_CatalogConnectionString Product Catalog: connstr_db_Catalog
s_CommerceProviderConnectionString Profile Service: s_CommerceProviderConnectionString
s_NonSecureHostname This value is set in the global.asa file to the non-secure host name of the application.
s_ProfileServiceConnectionString Profile Service: s_ProfileServiceConnectionString
s_SecureHostname This value is set in the global.asa file to the secure host name of the application.
s_SiteName Name of the Site
s_TransactionConfigConnectionString Transaction Config: connstr_db_TransactionConfig
s_TransactionsConnectionString Transactions: connstr_db_Transactions

See Also

AppConfig Object

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