Working with Materialized and Non-Materialized Virtual Catalogs

By default, virtual catalogs are implemented as SQL Server views. This makes it easier and faster to edit a virtual catalog, but it can reduce the run-time performance in comparison to base catalogs. To improve run-time performance of virtual catalogs, you can materialize your virtual catalogs. When you materialize a virtual catalog, the virtual catalog data is stored in tables. This improves the run-time performance of virtual catalogs.

You can materialize or non-materialize your virtual catalogs by using the MaterializeVC.vbs script. This file is installed in the Program Files\Microsoft Commerce Server 2002\Support directory.

To reflect base catalog changes to your virtual catalogs, you have to rebuild your virtual catalogs. For more information, see the RebuildAllVirtualCatalogs and RebuildVirtualCatalog methods.

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