

Use this method to create a list from an Analysis report.


Function CreateFromDWCalc(listName As String,listDesc As String,lFlags As Long,userFlags As Long,DWConnStr As String,OLAPConnStr As String,ReportStatusId As String,bAsync As Boolean,Optional pvarOpID As Variant) As Variant



A String that provides the name for the new list.


A String that provides a description for the new list.


A Long that specifies the bitmask flags that control the type of list created.


A Long that contains application specific user flags. Not used by the ListManager object.


A String that contains the connection string for the Data Warehouse.


A String that contains the OLAP connection string.


A String that contains the ReportStatusID of the report to be imported.


A Boolean that specifies whether the creation operation is performed synchronously or asynchronously. A value of True indicates asynchronous processing.


An optional Variant used to return an Operation ID.

Return Values

If this method completes successfully, it returns a Variant that contains the ID of the new list.

Error Values

This method sets the Number property of the global Err object to S_OK (&H00000000) to indicate success and to either standard or custom COM error values to indicate failure. For more information about standard COM errors, see Standard COM Errors.

The following table shows the custom COM errors that this method can return.

Constant Value Description
E_LM_CONNECTIONFAILED &H8C400001 Failed to establish database connection.
E_LM_CREATE_OBJECT &H8C400017 Unable to create the object.
E_LM_INVALID_FLAGS &H8C400005 Invalid flags value.
E_LM_LIST_ALREADY_EXISTS &H8C400007 The specified list has already been created.
E_LM_MAILABLE_LIST_NO_EMAILS &H8C40000D The list is designated as a Mailable list but does not contain an rcp_email column.
E_LM_OPER_CANCELED &H8C40000B The operation was canceled.
E_LM_REPORTRENDERERFAILED &H8C40001A The report rendering object failed during Analysis report export to ListManager. See the Application event log message logged by that object describing the problem.
E_LM_SQLERROR &H8C400003 Error while executing SQL/ADO operation.
E_LM_USER_LIST_NO_GUIDS &H8C40000E The list is designated as a User list but does not contain an rcp_guid column.
OLE_E_BLANK &H80040007 The ListManager object has not been properly initialized.

Additional information may be available using the global Err object. In particular, the Description property may contain a text description of the error.


This method calls into the ReportRender object, passing it the DWConnStr, OLAPConnStr, and the ReportStatusId parameters along with a connection string to the database used by the ListManager object, and the table name that it should create.

For a list of possible values for the lflags parameter, see the GetListFlags method.

For more information about memory ownership issues related to COM property and method parameters, see Managing COM Parameter Memory.


' vListID is a Variant
vListID = oListManager.CreateFromDWCalc("TequillaBuyers1", _
 "Tequilla buyers in January", 20, 0, "URL=mscop:" & _
 "//InProcConnect/Server=myserver:Database=dbname:" & _
 "Catalog=DWSchema:User=userid:Password=********:FastLoad=True", _
 "2B54480041694C4987131B794078B4C9", False)

See Also

ListManager Object

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