Currency Display Requirements

Commerce Server works with the currency display capabilities provided by Windows 2000 and SQL Server 2000. In general, the locale identifier (LCID) determines currency display format (currency symbol and decimal place delimiter). Currency symbol position, digit grouping delimiter and decimal delimiter (when applicable) are specific to the locale. The currency symbol and the existence of decimals are specific to the currency, for example, the symbol for Japanese Yen is ¥ regardless of locale and values (Yen have no decimal parts).

Commerce Server 2002 provides an easy method for setting the LCID on a per-site basis (by setting a property in the App Default Config resource), and for integrating your application currency formatting code. There are, however, several key planning questions you must answer in order to work with these capabilities. The following table lists these planning questions.

Planning question Recommendation
Do you need to display two currencies for a catalog item simultaneously (for example, both US dollars and Japanese Yen)? Set the base currency in the App Default Config resource for the currency your accounting system uses for financial reporting. Set the alternate currency for the second currency. Store the base currency value in the catalog, and approximate the alternate price at run-time using an appropriate conversion rate.

For information about the App Default Config resource, see Configuring the App Default Config Resource.

Do you need to display catalog prices in alternate currencies based on a fixed rate conversion agreement? Store the fixed conversion rates in a database and use these rates to calculate an appropriate pricing rule. This should also be done using the pricing rules and virtual catalogs.

See Also

Data Warehouse Name and Value Conventions

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