Retrying a DTS Task

When you configure a Commerce Server DTS task, you establish the number of retries and the seconds between retries. These retry properties control how the Data Warehouse storage engine interacts with SQL Server, and not how the DTS tasks interact with the Data Warehouse storage engine.

DTS tasks that are launched from the DTS console can recover from a lost SQL Server connection (for example, if the SQL Server fails over). When a connection is lost, the OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server writes messages to the Application Event Log indicating that it is (re)trying to connect to the SQL Server computer. If the DTS task can recover within the window established by the retry parameters, the task continues. For the Web server log import task, when it recovers, the Status column of the TaskHistory table in the Data Warehouse database displays 1, indicating a successful import.


  • If the Profiles server fails over while the Profile data import DTS task is running, you must rerun the Profile data import DTS task in full load for the last increment by changing the import start date to the increment before the failover occurred.

Web server log import

If the SQL Server computer stops, after the Web server log import DTS exhausts its retry attempts, it can take several minutes to display a message that it failed. There are two reasons this might occur:

  • Several inference engine threads can process a log file. Each inference engine thread eventually writes data to the Data Warehouse storage engine (through calls to the OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server). When a thread calls SetColumns, the OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server first checks whether there are any errors on this session. If there are errors, it will abort the write call, and the inference engine thread sets a flag that is checked by the DTS task.

    If many threads are processing the log file, this process can take several minutes.

  • If the Web server log import task is running on a different computer than the SQL Server computer, the SQL transport could also affect the delay time.


  • If the Data Warehouse server fails over multiple times (for example, 4 or 5 times) in a short span of time while the Web server log import DTS task is running, there might be data loss. For data integrity, you must delete the imported data for the Web log files, and then manually rerun the Web server log import DTS task. For information about deleting data from Web log files, see Running the Data Deletion DTS Task.

See Also

Troubleshooting the Data Warehouse Import Process

Restarting, Ignoring, or Deleting a Failed Web Server Log Import Task

Best Practices for Data Warehouse

Scripting the Web Server Log Import DTS Task

Configuring the Web Server Log Import DTS Task

ETL Process for the Web Server Log Import DTS Task

Running the Web Server Log Import DTS Task

Running the Web Server Log Import DTS Task for a Large Site

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