Data Warehouse Classes

This section provides an alphabetical list of the Commerce Server 2002 Data Warehouse logical classes. Information about the class data members, class relations, and class keys is included. The physical classes corresponding to these logical classes can be found in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) under Microsoft SQL Servers\SQL Server Group\<server name>\Databases\<data warehouse database>\Tables.

The following table contains the relation types and the corresponding type codes used in the Relations table of each class description.

Relation Type Code Description
One-to-Many 2 Each parent has zero or more children, each child has one parent. The identifier ("Classname"ID) of the parent is used as a foreign key by the child.
Many-to-Many 3 Each parent has zero or more children, each child has one or more parents.
Application Defined 5 Defined in the schema for completeness and purposes of discovery through the OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server, but it is not used by the provider's storage engine for writing parent instances.

Commerce Server 2002 Data Warehouse Logical Classes

The following table contains links to the logical classes of the Data Warehouse.

Address ImportOptions Referrer
AdItem IndustryCode ReferrerDomain
Basket IPRef RegisteredUser
Campaign LastUriByDate Request
CampaignEvent LevelDir RequestByDateByUriByQueryString
CampaignItem Level1Dir ServerBinding
CampaignItemTypes Level2Dir ServerGroup
CatalogGlobal Level3Dir Site
Category Level4Dir SiteSummary
CatHierarchy Level5Dir SiteTerm
CommerceEvent Level6Dir SiteTermDescription
Crawler LinkMVQStringName SiteURL
Creative LinkSVQStringName SVQStringName
CreativeSize LogImportSubtask Target
CreativeType LogUser TargetGroup
CreativeTypeXRef MVQStringName TargetGroupXRef
CurrencyCode OpenUserVisit TaskHistory
Customer Order URI
Date OrderDiscount URIQuery
DmItem OrderFormHeader UserAgent
EventType OrderFormLineItems VirtualServer
FirstUriByDate OrderGroup Visit
HitsByHour OrderGroupAddresses VisitInfo
HitsInfo PageGroup Win32Status
HostnameRef PageGroupXRef  
HttpStatus Products  

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