Values in the Direct Mailer Pipeline Dictionaries

The following table lists the keys used in the Commerce Server Direct Mailerpipeline dictionaries. Like other pipelines, the Direct Mailer pipeline uses two dictionaries: a Context (read-only) dictionary and an Order (read-write) dictionary.

Key Dictionary Description
Attachments Order A SimpleList of URLs pointing to attachments.
campaign_item Context The campaign item ID.
campaign_item_name Context The name of the campaign item.
cdo_config Context A reference to a Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) configuration object (CDO.Configuration).
cdo_error Order An error string from the most recent CDO operation, if any. NULL if no error.
cdo_message Context A reference to a CDO message object (CDO.Message).
cdo_result Order The result code (an HRESULT) from the most recent CDO for Microsoft Windows 2000 operation.
Cookie Order The dictionary containing the cookie data.
css_site Context The site ID string.
default_formatting Context The default format for the message.
default_locale Order The locale code to use if there is no recipient locale code (rcp_locale).
default_url Context The URL used to retrieve the mailing content.
default_url_content Context The content of the file pointed to by default_url if default_url_isfile is True.
default_url_isfile Context True if the default URL is a file path and not an http:// path.
delay_msec Context The delay between messages in milliseconds.
from_field Order The "From" field for the message.
messages_sent Order The total number of messages sent for this pipeline cycle.
precomposed_body Order The plain-text message body. Defaults to an empty string.
rcp_bypass Order Boolean. Component bypasses (skips) processing if True.
rcp_email Order The e-mail address of the recipient.
rcp_formatting Order The format of the message.
rcp_guid Order The GUID uniquely identifying this recipient, taken from the user profile.
rcp_locale Order The locale code to use for the recipient.
rcp_personalize Order Numeric. Whether or not to personalize the message for this recipient.
rcp_url Order The URL used to retrieve the mailing content. Takes precedence over default_url.
rcp_url_content Order The content of the file pointed to by rcp_url if rcp_url_isfile is True.
rcp_url_isfile Order True if the URL for the content (rcp_url) is a file and not an http:// address.
replyto_field Order The "Reply-to" field for the message.
subj_field Order The "Subject" field for the message.
use_precomposed_body Order Boolean. If True, the component creates the message from the plain-text body assigned to the precomposed_body key.
user_flags Order A bit mask indicating elements of the message to check. Only the rightmost bit is currently used.

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