Key Member Definition Meta-data

The Key Member meta-data contains attributes for defining a member of a key. The meta-data includes an indication of the ordinal position of the data member for a multi-valued key. The Key and Member definitions must already be completed. A Key Member definition is not required if the IsPrimaryKey attribute is set to True on a member definition of the class.

The following paragraph is more relevant for the Profiling System than for Data Warehouse and Analysis.

Three attributes are required to set a data member as part of a key. The MemDefName attribute of the KeyMem meta-data must be set to the MemberDefName value specified in the Member meta-data. The KeyDefName attribute for the KeyMem meta-data must be set to the ClassKeyDefName value specified in the Key meta-data. Finally, the OrdinalPosInKey attribute must be set to the position in the key for the data member. For example, if there are three data members comprising a key, the OrdinalPosInKey attributes will be set to 0, 1, and 2 for the first, second, and third data members, respectively. The sequence of data members is important for the composition of a unique key.

For information about creating a new key member for a class key, see Creating a New Class Key Member.

The following table shows the attributes used for the key member definitions. A set of these attributes is stored in the KeyMem table for each key member defined.

Attribute Data Type Constraint Requirement Description
KeyMemID int NOT NULL Leave blank Stores the unique identifier for the key member.
CatalogID int NULL Leave blank Stores the identifier for the schema catalog.
CatalogName nvarchar (128) NULL Leave blank Stores the name of the schema catalog, "DWSchema."
CreatedTime datetime NULL Leave blank Records when the key member was created.
Description nvarchar (128) NULL Optional Stores the description for the key member potentially displayed on the UI.
DisplayName nvarchar (128) NULL Optional Stores the name potentially displayed on the UI for the key member.
KeyDefID int NULL Leave blank Stores the identifier for the key containing this key member.
KeyDefName nvarchar (128) NULL Required Stores the name of the class key.
MajorVersion int NULL Optional Stores the major version number for the key member.
MemDefID int NULL Leave blank Stores the identifier for the data member used for this key member.
MemDefName nvarchar (128) NULL Required Stores the name of the data member used for this key member.
MinorVersion int NULL Optional Stores the minor version number for the key member.
ModifiedTime datetime NULL Leave blank Records when the key member was last modified.
OrdinalPosInKey int NULL Required Stores a 0-based index for the position of the key member in the key.
Status int NULL Leave blank Reserved.

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