CommerceCache Class (BCL)

Represents a cache in the CommerceCacheCollection.


Public Instance Constructor

Constructor Description
CommerceCache Constructor(String, Int32, Int32, String, String, String, Object, Object, DebugContext) Creates a new instance of the CommerceCache class.


Public Instance Methods

Method Description
GetCache Gets the cache object (Commerce.Dictionary or LRUCache object).
Refresh Refreshes the cache.


Public Instance Properties

Property Description
CacheObjectProgId Gets or sets the ProgId of the component that is the cache container object. Generally, this is either Commerce.Dictionary or Commerce.LRUCache.
LoaderConfigDictionary Gets or sets the LoaderConfig dictionary for the cache. This is the set of name/value pairs that will be passed to the cache loader component during a refresh operation.
LoaderProgId Gets or sets the ProgId of the component that should be created and invoked to populate the cache object during refresh operations.
RefreshInterval Gets or sets the refresh interval for the cache. This is the approximate amount of time in seconds that the CacheMangager object will sleep before automatically refreshing the cache.
RetryInterval Gets or sets the retry interval for the cache. This is the approximate amount of time in seconds that the CacheMangager object will sleep after a previous failure before retrying the cache refresh operation.
ServerSpecificSiteUrl String that contains the full URL of the application.
WriterConfigDictionary Gets or sets the WriterConfig dictionary for the cache. This is the set of name/value pairs that will be passed to the cache loader component during a refresh operation.
WriterProgId Gets or sets the ProgId of the component that should be created and invoked to write out data from the cache object during refresh cycles.



Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Caching

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.dll

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