Common Language Runtime Interop Layer

The common language runtime provides an interoperability layer between COM components and .NET-based applications. It conceals the differences between managed code and unmanaged code, so that COM components are accessible from the common language runtime and vice versa.

The Common Language Runtime Interop Layer is primarily composed of Primary Interop Assemblies. Assemblies are the primary building blocks of a .NET Framework application. Interop assemblies act as a bridge between managed and unmanaged code, mapping COM object members to equivalent .NET managed members. The term Primary Interop Assembly pertains to assemblies made specifically for COM objects. The Common Language Runtime Interop Layer is responsible for running and managing the Primary Interop Assemblies created for Commerce Server.

The Base Class Library uses the Primary Interop Assemblies to interoperate with Commerce Server 2002 core services. You should use the Base Class Library instead of using the Primary Interop Assemblies directly. The Common Language Runtime Interop Layer does not manage the lifetime of a COM object for you; the Base Class Library does, resulting in increased performance and stability. The Base Class Library simplifies the programming model and follows the .NET Framework design guidelines.

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