Service Pack 2 Changes for Sitelets

After you install Commerce Server 2002 Service Pack 2, you need to the update the following code in the sitelets.

  1. Open the ProfileLib.asp file located in: %COMMERCE_SERVER_ROOT%\SDK\Samples\Classic ASP\<Sitelet Name>\source\include.
  2. Replace this line:
        objAuthMgr.SetUserID fTicketType, strUserId 

with this code:

        If fTicketType = 1 Then
objAuthMgr.SetProfileTicket strUserId, fCookieSupport 
        End If

Following is the way the code should appear after you update it. The code in bold is the new code.

' LogOnUser
' Description:
'     Used for giving the newly created user an auth ticket.
' Parameters:
'     [in] strUserName      - User name to logon
'     [in] strUserPwd       - Password for user
'     [in] fCookieSupport   - Flag for cookie support
'     [in] strTimeout       - Timeout for logon
'     [in] fTicketType      - Flag for type of ticket
' Returns:
'     Boolean
' Notes:
'     <none>
Function LogOnUser( _
    ByVal strUserName, _
    ByVal strUserPwd, _
    ByVal fCookieSupport, _
    ByVal strTimeout, _
    ByVal fTicketType _
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim objAuthMgr
    Dim objProfile
    Dim strUserId
    Set objAuthMgr = InitAuthMgr(Application("MSCSSiteName"))
    If Err.number <> 0 Then
        Call RaiseError( _
                        Err.number, _
                        Err.description, _
                        Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"), _
                        "LogOnUser()" _
        Exit Function
    End If
    Set objProfile = GetProfile(USER_LOGON_NAME, strUserName, PROFILE_TYPE_USER)
    If Err.number <> 0 Then
        'if GetProfile failed, the user doesn't exist
        LogOnUser = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    If (objProfile.Fields(USER_PASSWORD).Value = strUserPwd) Then
        strUserId = objProfile.Fields(USER_ID).Value
        objAuthMgr.SetAuthTicket strUserId, fCookieSupport, strTimeout
        If fTicketType = 1 ThenobjAuthMgr.SetProfileTicket strUserId, fCookieSupport         End If
        Set objAuthMgr = nothing
        LogOnUser = False
        Exit Function
    End If
    If Err.number <> 0 Then
        Call RaiseError( _
                        Err.number, _
                        Err.description, _
                        Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"), _
                        "LogOnUser()" _
        Exit Function
    End If
    LogOnUser = True
End Function

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