ProfileService Class (PIA)

Use this object to create, delete, and retrieve ProfileObject objects.


Method Description
BindAs Sets the user credentials for accessing the underlying Profiles store.
CreateProfile Creates the specified ProfileObject object.
CreateProfileXML Creates a ProfileObject object using XML data.
DeleteProfile Deletes a ProfileObject object specified by a primary key value from the Profiling System.
DeleteProfileByKey Deletes a ProfileObject object specified by a key member/value pair from the Profiling System.
GetProfile Retrieves a ProfileObject object specified by a primary key value from the Profiling System.
GetProfileByKey Retrieves a ProfileObject object specified by a key member/value pair from the Profiling System.
GetProfileDefXML Retrieves the XML description of the specified profile definition.
Initialize Establishes connection to the specified Profiles store and populates the schema cache.
Unbind Clears the user credentials for accessing the underlying Profiles store.


Property Type Description
Errors ADODB26Lib.Errors Stores the collection of errors encountered in the last Profiles resource operation.

This property is read-only.


The ProfileService object implements read/write run-time access for ProfileObject objects and read-only access for profile definitions.

The ProfileService object provides run-time access to a profile object, which is a specific instantiation of a profile schema. The Profile Definition Designer module in Commerce Server Business Desk and the Profiles resource in Commerce Server Manager provide design-time access for modifying the profile schema.

In a Web-based application context, the ProfileService object is intended to be created and initialized in the Global.asax file for the application. The ProfileObject objects are intended to be created within page scope.

Call the Initialize method before you use any other ProfileService method or property.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Profiles

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: mscsupslib (in mscsupslib.dll)

See Also

Profile Objects

Profile Schema

Profile XML Structures

Profile Class

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