XML Structures

The Commerce Server Business Desk Framework and HTML Components (HTCs) make extensive use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) in specific, pre-defined structures. The following table briefly describes these structures and provides links to more detailed information in Business Desk XML Structures.

XML Structure Description
Master Configuration File The XML structure of the master configuration file that ties all other module configuration files together.
Module Configuration Files The XML structure of the module configuration files that specify the details of each individual module.
Standard XML Data Record Format The XML structure in which many of the HTCs expect data to be represented. These HTCs include DynamicTable, EditField, EditSheet, ListEditor, and ListSheet.
DynamicTable Configuration The XML structure of the configuration information for the DynamicTable HTC.
EditField Configuration The XML structure of the configuration information for one or more EditField HTCs.
EditSheet Configuration The XML structure of the configuration information for the EditSheet HTC.
ExpressionBuilder Configuration The XML structure of the configuration information for the ExpressionBuilder HTC.
ListEditor Configuration The XML structure of the configuration information for the ListEditor HTC.
ListSheet Configuration The XML structure of the configuration information for the ListSheet HTC.
QueryBuilder Configuration The XML structure of the configuration information for the QueryBuilder HTC.
TreeView Configuration The XML structure of the combined data and configuration information used by the TreeView HTC.

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