
This class represents scheduled direct mailing items. The class contains data members detailing the direct mail content, including address and format information.

Data Members

Data Member Name Data Type Default Value Description
CampItemNum LONG 0 None
DmItemAttachment WSTR None Stores the name of the attachment for the direct mail item.
DmItemDefformat SHORT None Stores the default format code for the direct mail item.
DmItemDesc WSTR None Stores a description of the direct mail item.
DmItemFrom WSTR None Stores the e-mail address for the "from" field in the direct mail item.
DmItemNum LONG 0 Stores the unique key for the object.
DmItemPersonalized SHORT None Indicates if the direct mail item is personalized.
DmItemReplyTo WSTR None Stores the "reply-to" e-mail address for the direct mail item.
DmItemScheduleId WSTR None None
DmItemSource WSTR None Stores the name of the source for the direct mail item.
DmItemSubj WSTR None Stores the subject line for the direct mail item.
DmItemUserFlags LONG None Stores an encoded set of flags governing user data associated with the direct mail item.
GUIDDmItemListId UUID None None
GUIDDmItemOptout UUID None None
GUIDDmItemTestListId UUID None None
SiteName WSTR None Stores the name of the site associated with the object.

Class Key

DmItemKey is composed of a single data member, DmItemNum.


For a description of the relation type, see Data Warehouse Classes.

Relation Name Parent Child Type
DmItemCampaignItem CampaignItem DmItem 2

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