Customizing Style Sheets

Cascading style sheets, found in files with .css extensions, allow the appearance of whole classes of visual HTML elements to be controlled from one central location. This includes, for example, the background colors and fonts used for various classes of elements.

The Commerce Server Business Desk makes extensive use of two such style sheet files: Bizdesk.css and Navtree.css. The former is used to control the look of the content pane, and the latter is used to control the look of the navigation pane. The appearance of the Business Desk can be changed is by making modifications to these style sheets. For more information about the styles defined in these style sheet files, see Style Sheet Reference.

Ee799677.important(en-US,CS.10).gif Important

  • Extreme care should be exercised when changing styles since undesired effects may be caused in other areas of the Business Desk.

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