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Code to Enumerate Available Lists

This section describes how to enumerate the available lists and change the properties of one of the lists, such as the list name and description.

  1. Using the initialized ListManager object, oListManager, created in Code to Initialize the ListManager Object, retrieve the Recordset object containing the lists.

    Dim rsLists
    Set rsLists = oListManager.GetLists()
  2. Iterate through the list descriptions searching for the list described as Unique users. When found, change the name to UserFamily, change the description, and add some flags. Note that the recordset returned by the GetLists method is read-only.

    Dim vListID
    While Not rsLists.EOF
       If rsLists("list_description") = "Unique users" Then
          vListID = rsLists("list_id")
          oListManager.SetListProperty vListID, "list_name", "UserFamily"
          oListManager.SetListProperty vListID, "list_description", _
           "Members of the User family"
          oListManager.SetListProperty vListID, "list_userflags", 255       Exit While

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