Using Windows Authentication with Proxy Account in Web Farm

You can use AuthFilter and Windows Authentication with the Supplier Solution Site in a Web farm scenario. You need to use the GUID property as explained in the Digital Denial of Service (DDoS) attack scenario in Login.asp Code for the Supplier Solution Site.

You also need use the GUID property with the first-time-login path and the Web farm login path. The code that is in bold in the following sample indicates the changes you need to make to the Login,asp file.

' after setting AuthTicket
     objAuth.SetAuthTicket strUserID, True, 90
  objAuth.SetProperty 2, "guid", strGUID

' at the redirect in both the FirstTime and WebFarm paths:
      strRetAsp = Request.Cookies("MSCSFirstRequestedURL")
      strRetAsp = strRetAsp + "proxyuser=" 
      strRetAsp = strRetAsp + "MyDomain\User1" 
      strRetAsp = strRetAsp + "&proxypwd=" 
      strRetAsp = strRetAsp + "password"
   strRetAsp = strRetAsp + "&guid="   strRetAsp = strRetAsp + strGUID

The strGUID variable is a GUID/UniqueID generated (for example, by the GUIDGen objectd) or guid-from profile.

See Also

Working with Site Security and Filters

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