messageManager Tag

The messageManager tag maps the resources required by the Order Processing pipeline (OPP) from a satellite assembly to the MessageManager object. Each language that will be loaded into the MessageManager object must be specified in this configuration section, and the individual resource identifiers to be mapped from the .RESX file to the MessageManager object must be specified in the configuration. The baseName attribute is used to specify the root name of the resources. For example, the root name for the resource file named "MyResource.en-US.resources" is "MyResource". The assembly attribute is used to specify the name of the assembly containing the localized resources.

For more information about message handling in the Commerce Server .NET Application Framework, see Using Message Manager.

The messageManager tag contains two tags: cultures and resources.

cultures Tag

This tag denotes a new Content Selection Application.

The following table lists the attributes of the cultures tag.

Attribute Data Type Description
default String The default language used by the MessageManager object. This culture is used as the "fallback" culture in the event the OPP cannot locate a resource specific for the selected culture. The format of this string is identical to the "specific culture" format used by the .NET Frameworks:


For example, U.S. English would be en-EN.

This attribute is required.

culture Tag

This tag denotes an instance of a culture that will be mapped into the MessageManager object.

The following table lists the attributes of the culture tag.

Attribute Data Type Description
id String The culture ID for this culture. The format of this string is identical to the specific culture format used by the .NET Framework:


For example, U.S. English would be en-EN.

This attribute is required.

resources Tag

This tag is a container for the resources that will be mapped from the .RESX file into the MessageManager object.

The resources tag has no attributes.

resource Tag

This tag denotes a specific resource to be mapped from the .RESX file to the MessageManager object.

The following table lists the attributes of the resource tag.

Attribute Data Type Description
id String The identifier assigned to the resource in the .RESX file.

This attribute is required.


    <cultures default="culture-id">
        <culture id="culture-id"/>
        <resource id="resource-id"/>

See Also

Configuration Services

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