XML Structure

This section describes the Extensible Markup Language (XML) structure, elements, and attributes in a Microsoft Commerce Server catalog. In the following example, names that are not in italic refer to the elements of the XML structure. The first occurrence of each element is linked to documentation on that element. Names in italic are attributes associated with each element.

      <Definitionname DefinitionType 
         <DefProperty />
         <DefVariantProperty />
      <PropertyAssignAll currency 
                dataType DisplayInProductsList DisplayOnSite 
                ExportToDW id IncludeInSpecSearch IsFreeTextSearchable 
                IsRequired MinValue MaxValue Multilingualname />
            <DefaultValue language Value />
            <displayName languageValue />
            <PropertyValuedisplayNamelanguage />
      <AttributeDefinitiondataType                 MaxLength name AttributeType />
   <Catalogname currency DateChanged DefaultLanguage 
            endDate languages locale productUID 
            ReportingLanguage startDate VariantUID weight_measuring_unit >
      <displayName languageValue />
      <Categoryaction DateChanged Definition                id isSearchable name PrimaryParentCategory 
               listprice >
         <displayName value language />
         <ParentCategory />
                  relationtargetCatalog targetCategory targetProduct />
                     languageValue />
      <Productaction DateChanged Definition id listprice 
               PrimaryParentCategory UseCategorypricing >
         <ProductVariantaction DateChanged id listprice >
         <Relationship name relationtargetCatalog 
                  targetCategory targetProduct />
            <RelationshipDescription value language />

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