HTML Components

The Commerce Server Business Desk Framework includes a number of HTML Components (HTCs) that are used extensively by the modules that ship with Commerce Server. These same HTCs should be used in new Business Desk modules, wherever appropriate, to preserve a consistent look-and-feel within all modules.

This section contains:

  • DynamicTable. Describes the HTC used for editing tabular data where editing is limited to the columns being displayed. Record editing is performed in a special row above the column headings.

  • EditField. Describes the HTC used for editing individual items of data of various types. This control is often embedded within other tabular controls to provide the actual editing functionality for individual cells in the table.

  • EditSheet. Describes the HTC used to bundle together other HTCs that are used to edit data.

  • ExpressionBuilder. Describes the HTC used for creating named expressions that can be used for targeting. The ExpressionBuilder HTC makes use of an embedded version of the QueryBuilder HTC.

  • ListEditor. Describes the HTC used for editing tabular data where the editing of individual records occurs in a separate table below the table containing the list. The table used for record editing may allow editing of fields other than those displayed in the list table. The ListEditor HTC makes use of an embedded version of the EditSheet and ListSheet HTCs.

  • ListSheet. Describes the read-only HTC used to display a list of records and allows selection of one or more of those records for editing. The editing itself is always performed within one of the other HTCs.

  • QueryBuilder. Describes the HTC used to build a simple query.

  • TreeView. Describes the HTC used to display an expandable tree structure that provides a mechanism for both navigation and selection.

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