htmCachedProductList - Solution Sites Routine

This function attempts to find a specific HTML fragment in the cache ProductListCache. The fragment is specified by the passed catalog and category names, and a page number. The cache key is constructed by concatenating these three values together. If found, the HTML fragment is returned; otherwise, Null is returned.


Function htmCachedProductList(
  byRef sCacheKey)


  • sCatalogName
    A string containing the name of a catalog, used as the first component of the cache key constructed by this function.
  • sCategoryName
    A string containing the name of a category, used as the second component of the cache key constructed by this function.
  • iPageNumber
    An integer containing a page number, used as the third component of the cache key constructed by this function.
  • sCacheKey
    A string used to return the constructed cache key.

Return Value

If found in the cache, a string containing the HTML representation of the products in the requested catalog, category, and page number.

Defined in File


Routines Called


Called By

Main (category.asp)

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