StandardSManager Object


Use this object to facilitate the run time creation and retrieval of shopper IDs.

ProgID:   Commerce.StandardSManager (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   MSCSStandardSManager_3_0
COM Interface Name:   IMSCSStandardSManager_3_0
Interface ID Constant:   IID_IMSCSStandardSManager_3_0
Header File:   mspu_guids.h
Type Library Name:   Commerce 1.0 Type Library
DLL Name:   Commerce.dll
Threading Model:   Both

In C++, use the IMSCSStandardSManager_3_0 interface to access the properties and methods of the StandardSManager object.

Because this object is primarily intended for use within ASP script, access from C++ will not be common.

The single property of the StandardSManager object is shown in the following table.

Property Type Description
Mode Integer Determines how the GetShopperID and PutShopperID methods of the Page object retrieve and store shopper IDs.

The methods of the StandardSManager object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
CreateShopperId Creates a unique shopper ID for the current user.
GetShopperId Returns the unique shopper ID for the current user.
InitManager Initializes the StandardSManager object.
PutShopperId Writes the specified shopper ID to a cookie and/or stores it for use in a URL or SURL, depending on the initialization mode of the StandardSManager object for the site.


This object is only included for purposes of backward compatibility with Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition; it has been replaced by the AuthManager object.

See Also

Backward Compatibility Objects

AuthManager Object

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