Importing and Exporting Catalogs

You might want to import and export Commerce Server catalogs in the following scenarios:

  • Export catalog data stored in an Oracle database to an XML or CSV file, and then import it into Commerce Server. You might ask your system administrator to set up a scheduled job to do this regularly.
  • Export a multilingual catalog in Commerce Server to an XML file, send to a translator for translation, and then import the catalog into Commerce Server.
  • Export a catalog data that is stored in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and then import it into Commerce Server.

You can use Commerce Server Business Desk to import a catalog in all three of these scenarios.

To import a catalog on a regularly scheduled basis, for example, to import catalogs from trading partners, ask your developer to write the appropriate code. For information about using the CatalogManager API to write the code for importing a catalog, see CatalogManager Object.

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