Components Event Messages

The following table lists known event messages for components.

Message ID Severity Comments
4096 Warning 0.01Event used by the AdminEventLog object's WriteWarningEvent Method
4097 Error 0.01Event used by the AdminEventLog object's WriteErrorEvent Method
4098 Informational 0.01Event used by the AdminEventLog object's WriteInformationalEvent Method
4100 Error Windows: %1<infrequent use/deprecated> Logged by a small set of components including catalog. Used to report Win32 system errors.
4101 Error Commerce Server: %1<infrequent use/deprecated> Logged by a small set of components including catalog to report various Commerce errors.
4103 Error Connection Error: %1<unused>
4104 Error <if failure is in a component> Component Execution failed for component[0x%1!X!] hr: 0x%2!X!Used to report all pipeline/component execution errors.
4105 Error [OrderDiscount]: The discount with id %1 has an invalid value for the field '%2'. The discount has been invalidated. An invalid discount was detected in the ContentList. OrderDiscount is warning that it is treating the discount as inactive so that it cannot apply.
4106 Error WIN32 System Error. If the problem persists, please contact a Microsoft support engineer with the following information: source file: %1, line: %2, WIN32_Error: %3".<unused>
4107 Error COM System Error. If the problem persists, please contact a Microsoft support engineer with the following information: source file: %1, line: %2, COM_HRESULT: %3".<unused>
4108 Error Call to CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdGlobalInterfaceTable) failed. CS40 pipelines require NT4SP3 or greater. Logged by the Pipeline if this system-level dependency is not met.
4109 Error Failed to register COM+ application %1. HRESULT %2.Logged by the Pipeline COM+ application registration code (normally run by Setup)
4110 Error Failed to register COM+ component %1. HRESULT %2.Logged by the Pipeline COM+ application registration code (normally run by Setup)
4111 Error Failed to unregister COM+ application %1. HRESULT %2.Logged by the Pipeline COM+ application registration code (normally run by Setup)

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