Commerce Server Dependencies on IIS

This section documents which features in Internet Information Services you need to enable, at the minimum, if you use third-party tools (for example, a content filter at the firewall).

Commerce Server requires the following features in IIS:

  • Services:

    • HTTP
    • SMTP. Direct Mailer requires access to an SMTP mail server. A customer's Web site might have code to send out an order confirmation and might need access to an SMTP mail server. This SMTP server might or might not be the IIS-provided SMTP server. It is a customer choice.

    Commerce Server does not require FTP and NNTP.

  • HTTP verbs: GET, POST, PUT

  • File extensions that need to be served by IIS: ASP, HTM, GIF, JPG, HTA, HTC, XML, XSL, CSV, CAB, TXT, CSS, CHM, HHC, HHK, JS, VBS, and EXE

    JS and VBS are downloaded to the client; they are not run on the server. Commerce Server provides the file OWC10.exe (Office Web Controls version 10) as a download to the client browser; it is not run on the server.

  • HTTP headers: Translate:, IF:, Lock-Token:

    Commerce Server uses WebDAV to post a catalog import file (XML or CSV file extension).

  • Virtual directories installed under the default Web site: None.

    Commerce Server does not depend on IISSamples, MSADC, or Scripts.

  • The IUSR and IWAM accounts must not have Deny Execute ACLs on the System32 directory and its parents.

    By default, Commerce Server DLLs are located in the \Program Files\Microsoft Commerce Server directory. During installation you can change the installation path; however, Commerce Server requires Visual Studio .NET framework DLLs. It also requires:

    • Global assembly cache (GAC) at C:\WINNT\System32\Assembly
    • System policy data stored in C:\WINNT\System32\Microsoft.NET\*
  • The IUSR and IWAM accounts must not have Deny Write ACLs on some of the Web content directories.

    Commerce Server requires write access to receive a catalog file update (XML or CSV file extension) to a product catalog directory under the Business Desk virtual root of the site. You define the virtual root name.

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