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ExpressionEvaluator Class (BCL)

Evaluates targeting expressions.

**** Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Targeting.ExpressionEvaluator

Public Instance Constructor

Constructor Description
ExpressionEvaluator Constructor(String, DebugContext) Creates a new instance of the ExpressionEvaluator class that runs against the expression store in the SQL database given by the connectionString parameter. Debug trace messages will be logged using the DebugContext object.


Public Instance Methods

Method Description
Creates an EvaluationContext object for evaluating multiple expressions against the same set of profiles.
Dispose Releases resources used by this object.
Evaluate(Int32, TargetingProfileCollection) Evaluates the expression specified by the expressionID parameter using the provided profiles.
EvaluateInContext(Int32, Object) Evaluates the expression specified by the expressionID parameter using the profiles contained in the EvaluationContextHandle object.
EvaluateXML(String, TargetingProfileCollection) Evaluates the expression represented in the XML string using the provided profiles.
FlushCache Removes all loaded and precompiled expressions from the evaluator's expression cache.
FlushExpressionFromCache(Int32) Removes a single-loaded and precompiled expression from the evaluator's expression cache.
LoadAll Loads and precompiles all expressions in the expression store database, and updates the expressions cache.
LoadExpression(Int32) Loads and precompiles the specified expression from the expression store database, and updates the cache if necessary.
ValidateExpressionXml(String) Checks whether an Extensible Markup Language (XML) fragment is a syntactically correct expression.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
CachedExpressionCount Gets an Int32 representing the number of expressions currently in the evaluator's expression cache.


Protected Instance Methods

Method Description
CheckState Verifies that the object has not already been disposed.
Dispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by this class and optionally releases the managed resources.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Targeting

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.dll

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