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Use this component to send an e-mail message to a specified recipient.

Intended use: Commerce Interchange Transmit pipeline, Transport stage.

Configuration Values

You can determine where the SendSMTP component sends the message and the information sent by setting component properties. Use the following boxes on the Send SMTP tab of the Component Properties dialog box to determine this information.

Box Description
From (required) The e-mail address from which the message is sent. This is the actual e-mail address rather than a key containing the e-mail address.
SMTP Host (required) The name or Internet Protocol (IP) address of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server that will transmit the object. This is the actual name of the server rather than a key containing the name.
To (required) The key in the Order dictionary containing the e-mail address to send the message to.
Cc The key in the Order dictionary containing the e-mail addresses to send copies of the message to.
Subject The key in the Order dictionary that contains the text to display in the Subject box of the e-mail message.
Character Set for Subject The character set to use to encode the subject of this e-mail message. This drop-down list displays the character sets currently installed on this computer.
Message Body The key in the Order dictionary containing the message to include in the body of the e-mail message.
MIME header and body Indicates the business data object is already encapsulated in a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) header. If you select this option, the component uses the character set and header already encapsulated with the message rather than generating its own MIME header and using the character set specified in the Character Set for Subject box.
Text Body Indicates the business data object consists of straight ASCII text and no further processing is needed.
Binary body Specifies that the business data object is a binary blob. The SendSMTP component will base64-encode it before sending.

Values Read


Values Written



The SendSMTP component sends a business data object as an e-mail message to an SMTP mail server. If you are using Microsoft Exchange and Outlook, you can run a Visual Basic script to invoke an OrderPipeline object (but not an MtsPipeline or MtsTxPipeline object) on the Exchange server to process the received messages.

In order for the SendSMTP component to properly support character set conversion, the corresponding Windows NT code page must be installed on the computer. For example, the US version of the Windows NT installation does not include the Japanese code page (code page 932), which must be present to convert Unicode to ISO-2022-jp. For information on installing a code page, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q164948.

Programmatic Use

To use this component outside a pipeline, you must configure it by assigning values to keys in the Configuration dictionary. The keys correspond to the indicated boxes in the Component Properties dialog box.

Key Box Description
From From String.
SMTPHost SMTP Host String.
ToField To String.
CCField CC String.
SubjectField Subject String.
CharSet Character Set for Subject String.
BodyField Message Body String.
BodyType Message Body contains option buttons Numeric:


MIME header and body


Text body


Binary body

For more information about using pipeline components outside pipelines, see MicroPipe Object.

See Also

MicroPipe Object

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