AdminWebServer Object [C++]

Use this object to enumerate all Web sites on a server, to obtain the properties of those Web sites, and to enumerate all Commerce sites on a Web site.

ProgID:   Commerce.AdminWebServer (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   AdminWebServer
Type Library Name:   Commerce Admin 1.0 Type Library
DLL Name:   MSCSadmin.dll
Threading Model:   Both


COM Interface Name:   IAdminWebServer
Interface ID Constant:   None
Header File:   None

[C++] In C++, use the IAdminWebServer interface to access the methods of the AdminWebServer object.



Method Description
GetWebSiteProperties Given a server instance, returns the properties of the site as name/value pairs in a Dictionary object.
GetWebSites Enumerates all Web sites. Returns an array of numbers representing all Web sites (server instances).

[Visual Basic]

Method Description
GetWebSiteProperties Given a server instance, returns the properties of the site as name/value pairs in a Dictionary object.
GetWebSites Enumerates all Web sites. Returns an array of numbers representing all Web sites (server instances).


Active Server Pages (ASP) scripts that access the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase require administrator privileges on the computer on which IIS is running. When you execute these scripts from a remote computer, you must connect through a secure connection, such as the Microsoft Windows NT Challenge/Response Authentication method. You can create a server or directory for your administrative .asp files and set the directory security authentication method to Windows NT Challenge/Response for the server or directory.

See Also

Configuration Objects

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