Color Dialog Box (Visual Database Tools)

New: 5 December 2005

The Color Dialog Box returns the RGB value of a color selected by the user. The user can select from a set of basic colors determined by the display driver or from a set of custom colors. Select from the Basic colors, or create custom colors. Define colors by clicking in the color matrix or by typing in the Hue, Sat, Lum, Red, Green, and Blue boxes.


  • Basic colors
    Predetermined colors determined by the display driver.
  • Custom colors
    Colors added using the Add to Custom Colors button.
  • Define Custom Colors
    Expands the dialog box to show the custom color area.
  • Color matrix
    The color matrix shows the color pallet. To define a custom color, click anywhere in the matrix. Change hue by moving the pointer horizontally. Change saturation by moving the pointer vertically.
  • Luminosity bar
    Drag the slider to change the luminosity, or relative lightness or darkness, of a color. The corresponding numerical value appears in Lum.
  • Color
    Displays the currently selected color.
  • Hue
    The hue value of the selected color.
  • Sat
    The saturation value of the selected color.
  • Lum
    The luminosity (lightness or darkness) of the selected color.
  • Red
    The numeric value of the red component, varying from 0 to 255
  • Green
    The numeric value of the green component, varying from 0 to 255
  • Blue
    The numeric value of the blue component, varying from 0 to 255
  • Add to Custom Colors
    Click to add the color to the Custom colors area.