Liam Myron

Liam Myron

IT Manager, Steer Davies Gleave


Blog: Bargehouse Tech Talk


After a post-university diversion into tourism, I settled into IT as a career in the mid-nineties and progressed through Helpdesk to infrastructure support/development.  I’ve been at SDG for six years now; made the leap from technical to management two years ago (and am still getting my head around it!)  today I lead a team of five, supporting an international business of just short of 400 staff

Top3 Challenges:

  • Developing and maintaining an Enterprise environment (16 Offices, 11 Countries, 4 languages, 3 Continents) on an SME budget,
  • Moving the perception of IT from ‘Cost Centre’ to ‘Business Enabler’,
  • Thinking strategically and keeping the big picture in mind while working through the daily grind

If you were a superhero who would you be?

Northstar; super speed and tough skin; just what you need in my job.  If I was waxing poetical, I’d also say the North Star is good for navigating by…