Setup command-line options reference for Office 2013
Applies to: Office 2013
Summary: Provides information about Setup.exe command lines for Windows Installer-based Office 2013.
Audience: IT Professionals
The Setup.exe command line is used for very few operations in Office 2013 (just as in Office 2010 and Microsoft Office 2007). Setup recognizes the command-line options that are described in this article.
In this article:
/adminfile [path]
/config [path]
/modify [ProductID]
/repair [ProductID]
/uninstall [ProductID]
Although Setup recognizes only a few command-line options in Office 2013, you can still make all the same changes to the Office installation. Instead of using the command line, you use the Office Customization Tool (OCT) reference for Office 2013 to set Setup properties and make other customizations. You can also edit the Config.xml file for the product that you are installing.
Runs the Office Customization Tool to create a Setup customization file (.msp file).
\\server\share\Office15\setup.exe /admin
Applies the specified Setup customization file to the installation. You can specify a path of a specific customization file (.msp file) or to the folder where you store customization files.
The /adminfile command-line option can be used only during initial installation of the product.
The recommended location for customization files is the Updates folder at the root of the network installation point. When you store a customization file in this folder, you do not have to specify the file on the command line. Setup automatically finds the customization file that matches the product that is being installed and applies the file during the installation. The Updates folder can only be used to deploy software updates during an initial installation of Office 2013.
If you store more than one customization file per product in the Updates folder, Setup applies all the files to the installation. If you want to create unique configurations for different groups of users, you must store the customization files in a separate folder and specify the customization file that you want on the command line.
\\server\share\Office15\setup.exe /adminfile \\server\share\MyUpdates\Engineering.msp
where Office15 is the root of the network installation point.
Specifies the Config.xml file that Setup uses during the installation. By default, the Config.xml file that is stored in the core product folder directs Setup to install that product. For example, the Config.xml file in the ProPlus.WW folder installs Office Professional Plus 2013.
You can edit Config.xml to make additional customizations to the installation. This includes specifying one or more language versions to install. Use /config on the Setup command line to point to the location of the default Config.xml file for a product or to point to a custom Config.xml file.
\\server\share\Office15\setup.exe /config \\server\share\Office15\ProPlus.WW\Config.xml
where Office15 is the root of the network installation point.
You must use a fully qualified path. Setup does not recognize relative paths with /config.
Used with a modified Config.xml file to run Setup in maintenance mode and make changes to an existing Office installation. For example, you can use the /modify option to add or remove features. Look up the value of [ProductID]
in the Setup.xml file for the product that you want to modify.
The Setup.xml file is located in the core product folder on the network installation point. In Setup.xml, [ProductID]
is equal to the value of the Id
attribute of the Setup
element. For example:
<Setup Id="ProPlus" Type="Product" ProductCode="{20150000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}">
\\server\share\Office15\setup.exe /modify ProPlus /config \\server\share\Office15\AddOutlookConfig.xml
where Office15 is the root of the network installation point.
Runs Setup to repair the specified product from the user’s computer. Look up the value of [ProductID]
in the Setup.xml file for the product that you want to modify.
\\server\share\Office15\setup.exe /repair ProPlus
Office15 is the root of the network installation point.
ProPlus is the
is equal to theID
attribute of theSetup
element listed in \\server\share\Office15\ProPlus.WW\setup.xml), where ProPlus.WW is the location of the Office Professional Plus 2013 installation files.
You can customize the /repair option by using it with /config and a modified Config.xml file. This is necessary if you want to run a “silent” repair. In enterprise deployments, we recommend that you run a silent repair to prevent prompting users to enter information, and to prevent the installation from waiting for user interactions, even when files are being used.
To run a silent repair
Using a text editor, edit the following element attributes in the \\server\share\Office15\ProPlus.WW\SilentRepairConfig.xml file:
<Configuration Product="ProPlus"> <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> </Configuration>
At the command line, use the following syntax:
\\server\share\Office15\setup.exe /repair ProPlus /config \\server\share\Office15\ProPlus.WW\SilentRepairConfig.xml
Runs Setup to remove the specified product from the user’s computer. Look up the value of [ProductID]
in the Setup.xml file for the product that you want to modify.
\\server\share\Office15\setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus
Office15 is the root of the network installation point.
ProPlus is the
is equal to theID
attribute of theSetup
element listed in \\server\share\Office15\ProPlus.WW\setup.xml), where ProPlus.WW is the location of the Office Professional Plus 2013 installation files.
You can customize the /uninstall option by using it with /config and a modified Config.xml file. This is necessary if you want to run a “silent” uninstall. In enterprise deployments, we recommend that you run a silent uninstall to prevent prompting users to enter information, and to prevent the installation from waiting for user interactions, even when files are being used.
To run a silent uninstall
Using a text editor, edit the following element attributes in the \\server\share\Office15\ProPlus.WW\SilentUninstallConfig.xml file:
<Configuration Product="ProPlus"> <Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" /> </Configuration>
At the command line, use the following syntax:
\\server\share\Office15\setup.exe /uninstall ProPlus /config \\server\share\Office15\ProPlus.WW\SilentUninstallConfig.xml
In Office 2013, just as in Office 2010 and Office 2007, you cannot use the Setup.exe command line to set Windows Installer properties, such as PIDKEY or DISPLAY. Setup does not pass these properties to Windows Installer. Instead, you make these customizations by using the Office Customization Tool or Config.xml. For a complete list of Setup properties, including blocked and unsupported properties, see Setup properties in Office 2010. The information also applies to Office 2013.
Office Customization Tool (OCT) reference for Office 2013
Config.xml file reference for Office 2013