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Upgrade Tasks for Operations Manager


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

Upgrading an installation of System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 to System Center 2012 – Operations Manager is a multistep process. Before you can upgrade your monitoring environment, you have to understand exactly what you are upgrading, the pre-upgrade steps, and the implications for your day-to-day operations.

Upgrade Phases

When you upgrade a single-server management group, you run the upgrade on all features installed on a single server. In a distributed management group upgrade, upgrade tasks are performed in a number of phases.

Each type of upgrade requires some pre-upgrade and post-upgrade tasks. The phases of upgrade include the following:

Upgrade phase


Pre-Upgrade Tasks

Pre-upgrade tasks might have to be performed before any of the upgrade phases. For more information, see Pre-Upgrade Tasks for Operations Manager.

The starting point for an upgrade is having an Operations Manager 2007 R2 topology and ensuring that all hardware and software meets the supported configurations for System Center 2012 – Operations Manager.

Secondary Management Server Upgrade

In a distributed management group upgrade, you upgrade the secondary management servers (excluding the root management server), the gateways, and agents. The order of agent upgrade depends on how the agents were deployed. If you installed the agents manually, you upgrade the agents before you upgrade the management servers and gateways. If you installed the agents by using the Computer and Device Management Wizard (the Discovery wizard), you upgrade the agents after you upgrade the management servers and gateways. These kinds of agents are known as push-installed agents.

Management Group Upgrade

In a distributed management group upgrade, the root management server (RMS), operational database, data warehouse database, and management group are upgraded. If the RMS does not meet system requirements, upgrade is run from a secondary management server.

In a single-server management group upgrade, you upgrade manually installed agents first, and then run the management group upgrade. Push-installed agents can be upgraded after you upgrade the management group.

Optional Upgrade

Additional features can be upgraded, including operations consoles, web consoles, reporting server, and Audit Collection Services (ACS).

Post-Upgrade Tasks

Post-upgrade tasks, such as turning on notifications, must be performed after you have completed your upgrade. For more information, see Post-Upgrade Tasks when Upgrading from Operations Manager 2007 R2.

Upgrading with the Exchange 2010 Management Pack

The Exchange 2010 Management Pack includes the Correlation Engine, which is usually installed on the same system as the Operations Manager RMS. For a simple upgrade, where the system supports System Center 2012 – Operations Manager, you do not have to change the Exchange 2010 Management Pack.

For a complex upgrade, where Operations Manager must be moved to a different system, do one of the following:

  • Unistall the Exchange 2010 MP from its current system using the Windows Installer package, upgrade Operations Manager to the new system, and run the Windows Installer package to install the Exchange 2010 MP on the new system. Do not remove the Exchange 2010 MP in the Operations console.

  • Upgrade Operations Manager to the new system and configure the Exchange 2010 MP correlation engine to point to that system by editing Microsoft.Exchange.Monitoring.CorrelationEngine.exe.config. The default location for this file is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Bin. Change the value in the following line to equal the FQDN of the new Operations Manager system:

    <add key="OpsMgrRootManagementServer" value="localhost" />


    If your Exchange 2010 MP correlation engine is installed on a cluster, you need to edit the configuration file on each member of the cluster.