Building VOIP-Enabled Devices Using Windows CE .NET 4.2

Posted July 9, 2003

Chat Date: June 12, 2003

Please note: Portions of this transcript have been edited for clarity

Chat Participants:

  • Deepika Arora, Program Manager on the Windows CE RTC/Networking team
  • David Kanz: Software Design Engineer on the Windows CE RTC/Networking team
  • David Silver: Development Lead on the Windows CE Tools team
  • Joel Wingert: Software Test Engineer on the Windows CE Tools team
  • Michael Malueg: Program Manager for Windows CE
  • Todd Segal: Software Design Engineer on the Windows CE VoIP team

Moderator: Mike (Microsoft)
Welcome to today's Chat. Our topic is “Building VOIP-enabled devices using Windows CE .Net 4.2”. Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome. Let’s introduce our hosts for today.

Host: David (Microsoft)
Hi, I'm DavidMS: I'm the development lead for the apps and UI group for Windows CE.NET

Host: Deepika (Microsoft)
Hi. My name is Deepika Arora - I'm a program manager in the Windows CE RTC Networking team.

Host: Joel (Microsoft)
My name is Joel Wingert, and I'm a tester in WIndows CE Tools for the VoIP project

Host: Todd (Microsoft)
My name is Todd Segal and I'm a developer for Windows CE Applications on the VoIP project

Host: DavidKanz (Microsoft)
I'm David Kanz and I'm a developer for CE OS networking and RTC

Moderator: Mike (Microsoft)
Welcome everyone, let’s get started!

Host: Deepika (Microsoft)
Q: So is VOIP supported on the PPC 2003 devices? (sorry for my ignorance - I'm a newbie)

A: VoIP is not supported in PocketPC 2003. It is under consideration for a future release.

Host: Deepika (Microsoft)
Q: Thanks Deepika, but isn't the PPC 2003 device based on CE .NET 4.2?

Host: Deepika (Microsoft)
A: Correct, but the RTC bits are not a part of the PocketPC build today.

Host: Todd (Microsoft)
Q: Will there be any VOIP managed wrappers for the .NET Compact Framework?

A: We feel that VoIP support for the .NET CF is important to support and are considering it for future releases.

Host: Todd (Microsoft)
Q: I was involved with a product that implemented VOIP support when it was first introduced in 4.0/1. What are the highlights in 4.2?

A: CE 4.0/4.1 introduced the RTC Client API's. In CE 4.2 we introduced a whole VoIP architecture including new RTC API's, a VoIP Application interface layer and a reference shippable user-interface. This includes new interfaces for provisioning, call logging speed dialing and replacing RTC's media stack (the RTP implementation). Please see the website and documentation for more details.

Host: Deepika (Microsoft)
Q: Can you outline Microsoft's vision for the major device categories that you're targeting for with the VOIP support? Have manufacturers bought in?

A: We are looking at enterprise phones, wireless mobile devices and consumer phones. We have several OEMs and partners engaged in building devices. See our press release from the last VON for details.

Host: DavidKanz (Microsoft)
Q: Does media or video streaming work over VOIP?

A: CE's VoIP only supports voice calls. XP has video and netmeeting app sharing. Both OS's support IM and presence.

Host: Todd (Microsoft)
Q: ToddSE_MS: What type of app support do you do?

A: Can you be more specific - do you want pointers to documentation and sample code or Microsoft's support vision?

Host: Deepika (Microsoft)
Q: Do you work with customers to customize and resolve problems with apps.

A: There are a couple different avenues. We have newsgroups that you can post questions on. We also have a PSS (Product Support Services) team that can help with support issues.

Host: Todd (Microsoft)
Q: Howdy...can you guys explain how VOIP and VAIL are related? I'm not sure I understand this?

A: VAIL (VoIP Application Interface Layer) is a set of interfaces that expose an object model for building VoIP applications. At its core are the RTC API's which envelop the SIP stack. VoIP is the technology, VAIL is the object model wrapping that technology.

Host: DavidKanz (Microsoft)
Q: Probably a dumb question...Can VOIP be used (in conjunction with other components, perhaps) to record voice?

A: Currently there is no way to do this with the RTC API. It would be possible now by modifying the wave driver.

Host: Todd (Microsoft)
Q: Do you guys ship VOIP samples with PB ... are they on the eval disks?

A: In PB, we ship an entire documented Telephony User Interface that uses the VAIL components, and a voipdemo built on the RTC API's. These are documented in PB (and online).

Host: Joel (Microsoft)
Q: Does VOIP work in the emulator?


A: Yes, but there is a lot of latency. The Voice quality is very good though.

Moderator: Mike (Microsoft)
Thanks for joining us today and thanks for the questions. It's time for us to go now.

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