How to Get Information About Public Folders

This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Shell to get information about public folders.

Before You Begin

To perform this procedure, the account you use must be delegated the following:

  • Exchange Server Administrator role and local Administrators group for the target server

For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.

Also, before you perform this procedure, be aware of the following:

  • In Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, public folders are managed only in the Exchange Management Shell. You cannot use the Exchange Management Console. 
  • By default, system folders are not displayed. (For example, they are not displayed when you run the command Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\" -Recurse | Format-List Name, which shows the names of all the other public folders.) To view the system folders, you must specify the system folder root, for example, Get-PublicFolder -Identity \NON_IPM_SUBTREE -Recurse | Format-List Name.
  • By default, the maximum number of public folders about which information is returned is 10,000. You can change this default number by using the ResultSize parameter. The ResultSize parameter must be used in combination with either the Recurse or the GetChildren parameter. For more information about using the ResultSize parameter, see the examples listed in the following procedure.


You can use the Get-PublicFolder cmdlet to get information about only mail-enabled public folders. You cannot use it to get mail-related information. If you want to get mail-related information about mail-enabled public folders, use the Get-MailPublicFolder cmdlet.


To use the Exchange Management Shell to get information about public folders

  • To get information about the root public folder, run one of the following commands:



    Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\"
  • To get the names of the root public folder and all the public folders below it in the hierarchy, run the following command:

    Get-PublicFolder -Recurse | Format-List Name


    By default, system folders are not displayed. (For example, they are not displayed when you run the command Get-PublicFolder -Recurse | Format-List Name.) To view the system folders, you must specify the system folder root. For details, see the following example.

  • To get the names of all the system folders (which are not displayed by default), run the following command (starting at the system folder root, \Non_IPM_SUBTREE):

    Get-PublicFolder -Identity \NON_IPM_SUBTREE -Recurse | Format-List Name 
  • To get information about the public folder named "Legal" in the root public folder of the server named "My Server," run the following command:

    Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\Legal" -Server "My Server"
  • To get information about the public folder named "Pending Cases" contained in the "Legal" folder, run the following command:

    Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\Legal\Pending Cases"
  • To get information about the public folder named "Legal" and all the public folders contained within it, run the following command:

    Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\Legal" -Recurse
  • To get information about just the public folders that are contained within the public folder named "Legal" (but not the parent "Legal" folder or children of the children), run the following command:

    Get-PublicFolder -Identity "\Legal" -GetChildren
  • To get just the names of all public folders, run the following command. This command pipes the output of the Get-PublicFolder cmdlet to the Format-List cmdlet.

    Get-PublicFolder -Recurse | Format-List Name
  • To get the names of all public folders in the folder named "Legal," but limit the number of results that are returned to 100, run the following command:

    Get-PublicFolder -Identity "Legal" -Recurse -ResultSize 100 | Format-List Name


    You can only use the ResultSize parameter in combination with the Recurse or GetChildren parameters.

  • To get the names of all public folders in the folder named "Legal," with no limit on the number of results that are returned, run the following command:

    Get-PublicFolder -Identity "Legal" -Recurse -ResultSize Unlimited | Format-List Name


    You can only use the ResultSize parameter in combination with the Recurse or GetChildren parameters.

For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the Get-PublicFolder reference topic.

For More Information

[Topic Last Modified: 2007-02-21]