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General, Windows Forms Designer, Options Dialog Box

Enables you to change the default settings for the grids and other features of visual designers within Visual Studio. You can open the Options dialog box from the Tools menu.

  • Grid Size
    Sets the spacing, in pixels, between horizontal and vertical gridlines on the designer. The default size is 8, 8. The maximum size is 200, 200.
  • Show Grid
    Specifies whether designers display the sizing grid. By default, the grid is on.
  • SnapToGrid
    Determines whether designers will snap objects and controls to the grid. In other words, the resizing and movement of elements on the designer are constrained to the GridSize increment when this feature is turned on. Having SnapToGrid turned on makes it easier to line up the various aspects of the user interface precisely, but limits the freedom with which one can place controls. By default, SnapToGrid is turned on. For information about how to set the size of the positioning grid on the form itself, see How to: Set Grid Options for All Windows Forms
  • ObjectBoundSmartTagAutoShow
    Determines whether controls and components will display smart tags. Not all controls and components support smart tags.
  • EnableRefactoringOnRename
    When set to true, a rename refactoring operation is performed when you rename a component from the Properties window or Document Outline window.

See Also


Walkthrough: Arranging Controls on Windows Forms Using Snaplines
Walkthrough: Automatically Populating the Toolbox with Custom Components
How to: Set Grid Options for All Windows Forms
How to: Arrange Controls with Snaplines and the Grid in Windows Forms