Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Configuration (form)
Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012
Click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Configuration.
Use the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration utility to specify startup conditions, change the Application Object Server (AOS) connection, and manage development options for a client. You can also set these options for a system-wide instance of .NET Business Connector.
You cannot change settings for the original configuration. Therefore, when you open the client configuration utility, all fields are unavailable. To change client configuration settings, you must create a new configuration. For more information about how to create a new configuration, see Manage a client configuration.
Only members of the Administrators group on the local computer can change configurations.
Configure clients to access data in a partition
Create a configuration for .NET Business Connector
Set company to open on startup
Connect a client to a different Application Object Server instance
Improve client startup times by configuring clients to use roaming profiles
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Field |
Description |
Active configuration store |
Configurations are stored either in the registry on the local computer or in a configuration file. You cannot change the configuration store for the original configuration. To change the active configuration store for the original configuration, you must create a new configuration. For new configurations, you can change the configuration store by clicking Set Configuration Store on the Manage menu. |
Configuration target |
Specify whether you want to configure the local client or the proxy for .NET Business Connector. |
Configuration |
Select the configuration that you want to use. |
Manage |
Select the task that you want to perform:
Tab |
Description |
General |
Set startup options for a client. The options specify the location of the log directory, the company that opens, the commands that run on startup, and the messages that are displayed. |
Connection |
Specify the AOS instance that the client connects to, and set connection options for that AOS instance. |
Developer |
Set development options. The options specify whether debugging is enabled in the client or .NET Business Connector, the default application layer that opens for the developer, and license information for development. |
Performance |
Specify cache settings to adjust Microsoft Dynamics AX performance. |
Button |
Description |
Add |
Open the Add Application Object Server instance dialog box, where you can add an AOS instance to the list of available instances. |
Edit |
Edit an AOS instance. |
Delete |
Delete an AOS instance from the list of available instances. |
Configure Services |
Open the WCF Configuration Editor tool, SvcConfigEditor.exe, if the tool is installed. This tool is installed as a component of some versions of the Windows SDK. This tool is also installed by Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The tool provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that you can use to create and modify configuration settings for services that are based on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). For more information about the WCF Configuration Editor tool, see Configuration Editor Tool on the MSDN Web site. If the WCF Configuration Editor tool is not installed, the WCF configuration file opens in Notepad when you click this button. You can then modify the XML code to change the information about the WCF configuration, and then save the file. For more information about how to modify XML code in WCF configuration files, see Configuring Services Using Configuration Files on the MSDN Web site. |
Refresh Configuration |
Use this button to refresh the service configuration used by the client. The client retrieves metadata from services for the published ports and creates a new service configuration in the form of a web.config file which is stored internally. You must refresh the configuration if you change any of the default configurations, such as changing the WSDL port configured on AOS. |
Up |
Move the selected instance higher in the list. |
Down |
Move the selected instance lower in the list. |
Use roaming profiles to store client-side cache |
In a Remote Desktop Services farm, you can improve client startup times by configuring the Microsoft Dynamics AX client for roaming user profiles. For more information, see Improve client startup times by configuring clients to use roaming profiles. |
Field |
Description |
Log directory |
Specify a directory for log files. |
Partition |
Specify a partition key. Partitions and their associated keys are listed on the Setup > Partitions form. Users must be listed on the Users form in the designated partition to open the client. For more information about configuring clients for partitions, see Configure clients to access data in a partition. |
Company |
Specify the company that opens when a user starts the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. |
Command to run at application startup |
Enter the SysStartupCmd method that runs when the client application starts. For more information about startup commands, see Execute configuration commands and Client configuration commands. |
Configuration command to run at kernel startup |
Enter the configuration command that runs when the client kernel starts. For more information about configuration commands, see Client configuration commands. |
Startup message |
Enter the text of the message that is displayed when Microsoft Dynamics AX starts. For example, if a configuration connects to a production environment, you can inform developers by entering the message, "Connecting to production environment." |
Server name |
The name of computer that runs AOS. |
Instance name |
The name of the AOS instance. |
TCP/IP port |
The TCP/IP port that the AOS instance communicates on. |
WSDL Port |
The port that is used by services. |
Connect to printers on the server |
Select this option to enable clients to connect to printers that are connected to the computer that runs AOS. The print option must also be enabled on the AOS instance. For more information about how to enable printing on an AOS instance, see Configure an AOS instance to print. |
Encrypt client to server communication |
Encrypt all data that is sent between the client and the AOS instance. |
Enable user breakpoints to debug code in the Business Connector |
Select this option to enable X++ code that runs in .NET Business Connector to be interrupted by breakpoints. This option applies to individual sessions. |
Enable global breakpoints to debug code running in the Business Connector or client |
Select this option to enable X++ code that runs in .NET Business Connector or the client to be interrupted by global breakpoints. This option applies to all sessions. To debug .NET Business Connector, you must set both this option and the Enable user breakpoints to debug code in the Business Connector option. To debug the client, set only this option. |
Application object layer to open |
Select the layer that opens by default in the Application Object Tree (AOT). |
Development license code |
Enter the code for a development license so that you can access the AOT by using the current configuration. |
Confirm license code |
Retype the code for the development license. |
Path to global client cache file (AUC) |
Specify the location of a global client cache file (formerly known as an Application Unicode Cache file). This file will be used if no local file exists, or if the file is newer than the local file. Using this option can reduce the time to start up the Microsoft Dynamics AX Windows client. |
The Microsoft Dynamics AX client
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Server Configuration (form)
Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).