uomschedule Class

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Represents a grouping of units of measures.

The uomschedule class inherits from BusinessEntity.

Public Methods

For a list of methods and messages that operate on this class, see UoM Schedule.

Constructor Description
uomschedule Initializes a new instance of the uomschedule class.

Public Fields

Field Description
createdby Specifies the ID of the user who created the unit group.
createdon Specifies the date and time when the unit group was created.
description Contains the description of the unit group.
modifiedby Specifies the ID of the user who last modified the unit group.
modifiedon Specifies the date and time when the unit group was last modified.
name Specifies the name of the unit group.
organizationid Specifies the ID of the organization associated with the unit group.
uomscheduleid Specifies the ID for the unit group.


For more information about entities and attributes, see the Metadata Browser and the Customization area of the Web application. To view this information in the Customization area, in the Navigation Pane, click Settings, click Customization, and then click Customize Entities.

See Also

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