Working with Custom Entities

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In Microsoft CRM 3.0 you can create custom entities to support your individual business needs. These new entity definitions must be created using the customization tools in the Microsoft CRM 3.0 application. Once created these entities are accessible in the SDK.

You have an eight-character prefix that can be defined for custom entities. You can customize this prefix string in the Customization > System Settings dialog in the application on the Customization tab. This provides you with a namespace for your custom entities.

These common methods are available for custom entities: Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete, RetrieveMultiple, and Fetch.

Because custom entities can be owned by users, the following messages are also available for custom entities if the entity is defined as user owned: GrantAccess, ModifyAccess, RevokeAccess, Assign, RetrievePrincipalAccess, and RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess.


The following code example shows you how to use a custom entity.

isv_bankaccount newBankAccount = new isv_bankaccount();
newBankAccount.isv_number = "934-012-4456";
newBankAccount.isv_branch = "Redmond Town Center";

CrmService myService = new CrmService();
myService.Url = "https://localhost/mscrmservices/CrmService.asmx";


Related Topics

Naming Conventions

Accessing Entities and Attributes

Entity Model: Custom Entities

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