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Find a place using latitude and longitude coordinates

  1. On the Edit menu, click Find, and then click the Lat/Long tab.

  2. In the Latitude box, type the latitude of the place you want to find.

  3. In the Longitude box, type the longitude of the place you want to find.

  4. Click Find.

    Note  For each latitude and longitude coordinate you find, MapPoint creates a Pushpin on your map. You can add text to the Pushpin balloon and rename it. These Pushpins are automatically stored in a Pushpin set called My Pushpins and saved with your map.

  5. Click OK.


You can express latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal or DMS (degrees, minutes, and seconds) format.

DMS coordinates can be entered in any of the following ways, where D is a single letter that indicates direction (N for north, S for south, E for east, or W for west):


dd mm ss.sD


If you are entering coordinates in decimal format and the location is south of the equator or west of the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England, express the latitude or longitude as a negative value; for example, -15.75 degrees latitude and -64.25 degrees longitude.

About latitude and longitude

Display latitude and longitude coordinates

Troubleshoot finding places on the map

About Pushpins and Pushpin sets