How to Create Managed Content Settings
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 will reach end of support on April 11, 2017. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.
Applies to: Exchange Server 2007, Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP3
This topic explains how to use the Exchange Management Console or the Exchange Management Shell to create managed content settings in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. The managed content settings that you apply to managed folders control the lifespan of items in users' mailboxes. Lifespan is controlled in two ways:
By controlling content retention and removing content that is no longer needed.
By journaling (copying) important content to a separate storage location outside the mailbox when the managed folder assistant runs. This can be any location that has a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail address, including another Exchange mailbox. When the item is journaled, a label is applied to it that indicates how the user classified the item.
For example, you can create managed content settings that specify that mailbox content that is more than 60 days old should be removed from the user's Inbox and placed in a managed custom folder named Cleanup Review (or any name you specify).
To perform the following procedures, the account you use must be delegated the following:
- Exchange Organization Administrators role
For more information about permissions, delegating roles, and the rights that are required to administer Exchange Server 2007, see Permission Considerations.
Also, before you perform the procedures in this topic, be aware of the following:
You must have at least one managed folder for which to create managed content settings. For detailed instructions, see How to Create a Managed Folder.
Managed content settings that are applied to the special folder named Entire Mailbox apply to all folders in a user's mailbox that are not managed custom folders and that are not managed default folders linked to the user's mailbox by a managed folder mailbox policy. For example, if there is a managed default folder in the Active Directory directory service that applies to the Inbox, but that object is not linked to the mailbox by a managed folder mailbox policy, the policy for Entire Mailbox applies to the Inbox. For managed custom folders, the Entire Mailbox never applies.
In addition to the well-known message types (such as All Mailbox Content and Calendar Items) to which you can apply managed content settings in the Exchange Management Console, you can use the MessageClass parameter of the New-ManagedContentSettings cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell to specify a custom message class or a specific message class such as IPM.NOTE.SMIME. For more information, see New-ManagedContentSettings.
Start the Exchange Management Console.
In the console tree, expand Organization Configuration, and then click Mailbox.
In the result pane, click the Managed Default Folders tab or the Managed Custom Folders tab, and then select the managed folder for which you want to create managed content settings.
In the action pane, click New Managed Content settings. The New Managed Content Settings wizard appears.
On the Introduction page, in the Name of the managed content settings to be displayed in the Exchange Management Console box, enter the name for the new settings (for example, Voice Mail Content Settings).
In the Message type box, you can select the type of message for which you want to create managed content settings. If you select All Items, the managed content settings that you create will apply to all the items in the managed folder (except for message types for which you have created separate content settings).
You can use the New Managed Content Settings wizard repeatedly to create additional, separate content settings for different message types. When there are multiple content settings, specific settings always supersede general settings. For example, if there is a setting for All Mailbox Content and one for Voicemail, the Voicemail policy is applied to voice mail, but the All Mailbox Content policy applies to all other items.
(Optional) To set message retention, select the Length of retention period (days) check box. The following options become active:
In the box to the right of the Length of retention period (days) check box, type the number of days after which the message is to expire.
In the Retention period starts list, select from the following options:
When delivered, end date for calendar and recurring tasks The retention period for mail starts when it is delivered. The retention period for calendar items and recurring tasks starts at their end date.
When item is moved to the folder The expiration countdown does not start until the items are transferred to another folder, such as when items are moved from the Inbox to a review before final deletion folder.
3. In the **Action to take at end of retention period** list, select from the following options:
**Move to the Deleted Items folder** Messages are automatically moved to the Deleted Items folder.
**Move to a managed custom folder** Messages are automatically moved to the managed custom folder that you specify in the **Move to the following managed custom folder** box.
**Delete and allow recovery** Messages are deleted but may be recovered by using **Recover Deleted Items** in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. Note that messages can be recovered only for as long as messages are configured to remain in a recoverable state.
**Permanently delete** Messages are permanently deleted and not recoverable by the user.
**Mark as past retention date** Messages are displayed in a shaded, strikethrough font in Outlook, but no other action is taken. This expiration action is used to prompt the user to take some kind of action.
Click Next.
On the Journal page, to automatically forward a copy of the item of the message type that you selected on the Introduction page, select the Forward copies to check box.
Click Browse. The Select Recipient dialog box appears.
Select the recipient that you want to automatically receive copies of the selected items, and then click OK.
(Optional) Type a label to be applied to an journaled message.
In the Message format list, select a message format for the message. The options are:
Outlook Message Format (*.msg) Messages are attached in the .msg file format that is commonly used by Outlook.
Exchange MAPI Message Format (TNEF) Messages are attached in the format (Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format) that is most commonly used by Exchange 2007.
Click Next.
The New Managed Content Settings page provides a summary of the settings that you have applied.
To complete the New Managed Content Settings wizard, click New.
On the Completion page, click Finish to exit the New Managed Content Settings wizard. To view the new managed content settings, in the result pane of the Exchange Management Console, expand the managed folder to which you applied the settings. To edit a managed content setting that you have created, right-click it, and then click Properties.
Run the following command:
The following command is an example of a command used to create a typical managed content setting.
New-ManagedContentSettings -FolderName Calendar -MessageClass Calendar -Name MyCalendarContentSettings -RetentionEnabled $true -RetentionAction MoveToDeletedItems -AgeLimitForRetention "30"
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see the New-ManagedContentSettings reference topic.
For more information about managing and deploying messaging records management (MRM), see the following topics:
For more information about how to use the ManagedContentSettings commands for managed content settings in the Exchange Management Shell, see the following command reference topics: